1.Huawei is known ________ a national brand, and the number of people using its products getting larger and larger.
A.to    B.as    C.for    D.with
2.—Oh, dear. I ________ 3kg this month.
—Don’t worry. You can take more exercise.
A.put up    B.put off    C.put on    D.put down
3.Alex saved an old man from an accident. Everyone ________ his courage.
A.admired    B.encouraged    C.reviewed    D.regarded
4.While watching the film, I couldn’t stop laughing at some ________ moments.
A.humorous    B.boring    C.moving    D.dangerous
5.Our school’s thirtieth birthday will be in 2024 and we will have a big ________ for it.
A.competition    B.celebration    C.conversation    D.vacation
6.Peter is a smart man. He often makes decisions ________.
A.widely    B.wisely    C.crazily    D.slowly
7.There ________ a lot of trees here 3 years ago, but now it has become desert.
A.is    B.have    C.used to be    D.used to being
8.In schools, students ________ to sweep the floor after school every day.
A.asked    B.ask    C.were asked    D.are asked石家庄学校
9.  special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting.
A.What    B.What a    C.How a    D.How
10.—Did Tom tell you ________.   
—Yes. He said he got up too late this morning.
A.why he was late for school    B.when he left home for school
C.what time he got up in the morning    D.where he did his homework
I learned my third year of middle school when the new term began. There is a new   11  course. I am stepping into the magical world of chemicals with lots of doubt. I did lots of experiments and exercise,   12    I still didn’t do well in my monthly exam. It made me sad. I wanted to do something to improve my chemistry grades. Firstly, I   13  my previous(以前的) chemistry homework. Then I studied all of my wrong answers   14  . I found that and so
me of them were caused by carelessness, and some of them resulted from a lack(缺少) of   15  . These findings are   16  , because they remind me to finish my homework more carefully and learn from my wrong answers.
Luckily, my chemistry teacher also   17  a new learning method to me. He thought that I didn’t understand and remember basic concepts and formulas(概念和公式). So he asked me to   18  the important points. To help students like me strengthen our learning and ask questions actively, he also created a QQ group. He sent pages of exercises to us and gave us feedback(反馈) soon. If we don’t understand his corrections, he will explain them   19  us patiently.
With the help of my teacher and my own hard work, I   20  my monthly exam score by two points this month. It’s small, but it’s still a lot of encouragement for me. I’ve set a goal of another two points higher for next month. I believe I can learn chemistry well.
11.A.chemistry    B.physics    C.history    D.geography
12.A.because    B.but    C.if    D.after
13.A.took up    B.took over    C.took out    D. took in
14.A.peacefully    B.beautifully    C.successfully    D.carefully
15.A.knowledge    B.homework    C.discussion    D.expression
16.A.difficult    B.important    C.different    D.serious
17.A.invented    B.invited    C.introduced    D.increased
18.A.achieve    B.choose    C.continue    D.remember
19.A.to    B.of    C.for    D.on
20.A.shared    B.improved    C.realized    D.studied
Should Museums Be Free?
I think that museums should be free for young people. They give young people the chance to not only enjoy arts but also learn the value of culture. Generally, in Japan, most students learn about different cultures only by reading textbooks at school. However, it’s very important for them to understand cultures “directly”. By watching works of art directly, it’s possible for students to get something that textbooks can’t give them. For that reason, I believe that museums should be free.
Art creates life and life is valuable. Giving something a value of $0 does not attract(吸引) people to it, and nor does it encourage them to value it. Human beings usually look up to things that are difficult or expensive to get a better way is to ask regular visitors to pay to visit museums but provide free tickets for students having lessons there.
Museums need money to support themselves and protect museum collections(收藏品). Arti
sts should be thanked and respected for their hard work, and museum workers need to be paid. For all these museums need money. If you don’t have to pay to enter a museum, how will the museum keep running?
Why should you have to pay to learn? You shouldn’t! The museum gift shops make money. My point is, think of all the people who don’t get to go to museums because they don’t have the money. Museums are so fun but many people don’t get to experience them.