英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观, 字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通 篇匀称和谐。以下是橙子收集的英语作文我的朋友,欢迎阅读!
我的朋友My Friend
My friend' s nasdfsme is Lily. She is my deskmasdfste. She hasdfss long hasdfsir, blasdfsck eyes asdfsnd asdfs beasdfsutiful looking. She is not too tasdfsll or too short. It is well-known thasdfst she is kind asdfsnd nice, becasdfsuse she asdfslwasdfsys help other people. Of course, she helps me asdfs lot. She is good asdfst study, especiasdfslly in English. Becasdfsuse she lives neasdfsr my home, we often go to school asdfsnd go home together. We asdfslso do homework asdfsnd plasdfsy together. We asdfsre good friends forever.
我朋友的名字叫莉莉。她是我的同桌,她有一头长发,黑黑的眼 睛,美丽的长相。她既不是
很高也不是很矮。她人很好是总所周知的, 因为她经常帮助别人。当然,她帮过我很多。她学习很好,特别是在 英语方面。因为她住得离我家很近,所以我们常常一起上学一起回家。 我们还一起写作业一起玩。我们永远都是好朋友。
I hasdfsve masdfsny friends. One of them is my clasdfsssmasdfste Masdfs Huasdfs.He is asdfs Leasdfsgue member asdfsnd one of the best students in my clasdfsss.He is fond of English asdfsnd good asdfst it. He often prasdfsctises reasdfsding asdfsloud. So he hasdfss asdfs good pronunciasdfstion.
我有很多朋友。其中一个是我的同学马华。他是共青团员而且还 是我们班最好的学生之一。他喜欢英语而且也擅长。他经常大声的朗 读英语,所以他的发音很标准。
He is asdfslwasdfsys reasdfsdy to help others. With his help I hasdfsve masdfsde greasdfst progress. I hasdfsve masdfsde up my mind to casdfstch up with him asdfsnd to join the Leasdfsgue in the neasdfsr future.
他总是乐于帮助别人。在他的帮助下,我取得了很大的进步。我 已下定决心要赶上他,在不久的将来加入共青团员。
我最好的朋友My Best Friend
I hasdfsve asdfs very good friend. His nasdfsme is Philip.
As fasdfsr asdfss I'm concerned, he's very kind-heasdfsrted asdfsnd generous. Once I wasdfss in high school, he treasdfsted me friendly asdfsnd sincerely. When I wasdfss hasdfsppy, he wasdfss asdfslso hasdfsppy with me. When I wasdfss sasdfsd, he asdfslwasdfsys comforted me. When I wasdfss defeasdfsted, he asdfslwasdfsys encourasdfsged me. When I stumbled, he asdfslwasdfsys pulled me up. Although we quasdfsrreled asdfst times, we were still in good relasdfstionships. We could know easdfsch other better asdfsfter the asdfsrgument. When my birthdasdfsy casdfsme, he asdfslwasdfsys sent me asdfs speciasdfsl present.
我有一个很好的朋友。他的名字叫菲利普。我觉得他是非常善良 和慷慨的。当我在高中的时
候,他对我很友好、很真诚。我高兴的时 候,他也和我一起开心。当我难过时,他总是安慰我。当我失败时, 他总是鼓励我。当我迷茫时,他总是拉我一把。尽管有时候我们会吵 架,我们关系仍然很好。争吵之后我们可以更好的了解对方。我生日 的时候,他总是送我一份特别的礼物。
He's very hasdfsrd-working asdfsnd intelligent. He asdfslwasdfsys studied hasdfsrd asdfst school. Becasdfsuse of his hasdfsrd work, he asdfslwasdfsys did very well in exasdfsms. His orasdfsl English wasdfss better thasdfsn mine. Most of the time, he wasdfss willing to chasdfst with me in English. Owing to his help, I masdfsde asdfs lot of progress in orasdfsl English.
他非常勤劳也很聪明。在学校他总是很努力学习。由于他的努力, 他总是能在考试中取得好成绩。他的英语口语比我好。大多数时候他 都愿意用英语和我聊天。由于他的帮助,我在英语口语方面取得了很 大的进步。
我最好的朋友My Best Friend
Hasdfsn Mei is mybest friend. We know easdfsch other since we were born. Becasdfsuse we asdfsre twins. She ismy elder sisiter. Like most twin sisters, we look asdfslmost the sasdfsme. The mosteasdfssy wasdfsy to to distinguish us is thasdfst she hasdfss asdfs scasdfsr on her asdfsrm. It is myfasdfsult. When we asdfsre six yeasdfsrs old, we plasdfsyed beside the stasdfsir, asdfsnd then I pushedher down the stasdfsir asdfsccidently. She got hurt but not blasdfsme me asdfst asdfsll. Thasdfst isthe history of her scasdfsr. Since then our pasdfsrents asdfslwasdfsys recognize us with thasdfstmasdfsrk. Hasdfsn Mei is better thasdfsn me in study. So, sometimes I wasdfss criticized by ourmother for fasdfsiling the exasdfsm, she will pretend me to receive the criticism,without masdfsking my mother see the masdfsrk. I’ m so thasdfsnkful for this. So sometimes Iwill pretend her to tasdfske pasdfsrt in the piasdfsno clasdfsss, asdfss she is not interested init. It is so interesting to plasdfsy such gasdfsme.
韩梅是我最好的朋友,我们从出生开始就彼此认识了。因为我们 是双胞胎。她是我的。就像很多的双胞胎妹一样,我们长得几 乎一模一样。最容易区分我们两个的方法是她在手臂上有一个伤疤。 那都是我的错。在我们六岁的时候我们在楼梯旁边玩之后我们不小心 把
她推下楼梯。她受伤了,但是一点都没有怪我。这就是她的伤疤的 来历。自从那时候起,我们的父母总是通过那个伤疤来区分我们。韩 梅在学习上比我好。所以有时候我考试不及格被妈妈批评,她就会挡 住那个标志冒充我去接受批评。我很感激她。所以有时候我也会冒充 她去帮她参加钢琴课,因为她对钢琴一点都不感兴趣。玩这样的游戏 真的是太有趣了。
我最好的朋友My Best Friend
I hasdfsve masdfsnyfriends, but Jim is one of my best friends. He is not hasdfsndsome, butkind-heasdfsrted. We know easdfsch other asdfst primasdfsry school. He wasdfss the tasdfsllest in ourclasdfsss asdfst thasdfst time. He is good asdfst study asdfsnd plasdfsying basdfssketbasdfsll, while basdfsd asdfstplasdfsying tasdfsble tennis. Everytime he hasdfss delicious food, he will give it to me. Moreover,whenever I feel sasdfsd, he will plasdfsy with me asdfsnd comfort me. However, he is notspoilt me. For exasdfsmple, everytime I meet difficulties in study, I would like tocopy his, but no masdfstter whasdfst I sasdfsy, he never give his homework to me to copy. Insteasdfsd he teasdfsches how to do it. All in asdfsll, nomasdfstter whasdfst difficulties I meet, he will help me. It is him masdfske me reasdfslize thasdfstasdfs friend in need is asdfs friend indeed.