Skill Balance Changes
Amazon Javelin and Spear Skills
暗黑破坏神2改装备- Impale - Added skill synergy bonuses(刺穿,增加技能加成奖励).
- Fend - Added skill synergy bonuses(Fend,增加技能加成奖励).
- Plague Javelin - Reduced casting delay(瘟疫标,减少施展延迟时间).
Amazon - Bow and Crossbow Skills
Magic Arrow -Increased Attack Rating bonus(魔法箭,增加攻击准确率奖励).
- Guiled Arrow -Added skill synergy bonuses with Magic Arrow that adds 1% magic damage per level(导引箭,魔法箭对导引箭有加成,每级增加1%魔法伤害).
Assassin - Shadow Disciplines
- Venom - Increased poison damage duration time from 0.4s to 0.8s,all poison damage done will be convert in 0.8s(毒牙,毒伤害时间从0.4秒延长到0.8秒,每秒的毒伤害按0.8秒的持续时间计算)
- Shadow Warrior - Increased Attack Rating bonus.Added skill synergy bonuses(影子战士,增加攻击准确率和技能加成奖励).
- Shadow Master - Increased Attack Rating bonus.Added skill synergy bonuses(影子大师,增加攻击准确率和技能加成奖励).
Assassin - Traps Skills
- 刺客陷阱技能
- Blade Sentinel -Increased duration time,Added skill synergy bonuses(刀刃刺盾,延长持续时间,增加技能加成奖励).
- Blade Fury -Added skill synergy bonuses(刃之怒,增加技能加成奖励).
Barbarian - Combat Skills
- Leap Attack - Increased Attack Rating bonus(跳斩,增加攻击准确率奖励).
- Frenzy -Increased Attack Rating . Added defense bounus with each successful swing(狂乱,攻击准确率提高,每次成功击中增加防御奖励).
- Berserk -Increased Attack Rating and magic damage(狂战士,提高攻击准确率和魔法伤害).
Druid - Elemental Skills
- Armageddon - Added great amout of physical damage. Reduced cast delay from 6s to 4s(毁天灭地,
- Tornado - Added 0.5s casting delay(龙卷风,施法延迟增加0.5秒).
- Cyclone Armor - Rebalanced Absorb Damage(飓风装甲,重新计算伤害吸收量).
Druid - Summoning Skills
- 德鲁伊召唤技能
- Spirit of Barbs - Give them ablity of reflecting ranged damage (棘灵,赋予反弹远程伤害能力).
Necromancer - Poison and Bone Skills
- Bone Spirit - Decreased mana cost. Added 0.8s casting delay (骨灵,减少魔法消耗,施法延迟增加0.8秒)
Paladin - Combat Skills
- Blessed Hammer - Increased damage. added 0.8s casting delay (祝福之锤,伤害提高,但施法延迟增加0.8秒)
Paladin - Defensive Auras
- Prayer - Increased Healing rate,removed mana cost(提高效果,不再消耗魔法).
Sorceress - Lightning Spells
- Teleport - Increased mana cost,added 0.5s casting delay(提高魔法消耗,施法延迟增加0.5秒)
- Lightning - Increased high-level damage(闪电,高等级伤害提高).
- Chain Lightning - Increased high-level damage(连锁闪电,高等级伤害提高).
- Lightning Mastery - Added -1% enemies’ lightning resistance per 3 skill levels(闪电掌握,每3级敌人电抗-1%).
Sorceress - Fire Spells
- 女巫火技能
- Enchant -now it adds fully damage to yourself and your hireling,but 3/8 cut when casting to your allies(施法者本身和得到的强化伤害相同,但对队友赋予的强化伤害减少3/8)
- Hydra - Reduced casting delay from 2s to 1s(九头蛇,施法延迟从2秒缩短到1秒)
- Fire Mastery -Added -1% enemies’ fire resistance per 3 skill levels(火掌握,每3级敌人火抗-1%).