Unit 1 Topic 2 Section B教案
1. Learn some useful words and expressions:
her, his, they, aren’t=are not.
2. Talk about introduction:
(1)—What’s her name?
—Her name is Deng Yaping.
(2)—Where’s she from?
—She’s from China.
(3)—Are they from England?
—No, they aren’t.
3. Know about the intonation.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1  Review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (出示Section A 4中四个国家典型风景特征的挂图,让学生说出国家名称,如果知道其他相关文化知识的更好。)
T: Who can say a few countries in English?
Ss: Canada, China, the U.S.A., Japan…
2. (出示Section A 1a和2a的挂图,让学生运用目标语言表演对话。)
T: Act out the dialog on page 9.
3. (复习询问他人的句型并操练。)
T: I speak in Chinese, and you speak in English, OK?
Ss: OK!
T: 你来自哪里?
S1: W here are you from?
S2: I’m from…
S3: W here is he/she from?
S4: H e/She is from…
S5: I s he from…?
S6: Y es, he is.
S7: I s she from…?
S8: N o, she isn’t. She is from…
4. (教师一名女学生到讲台前练习。)
T: I’ll ask a girl to come here and ask her some questions. Then another one. T: What’s your name?
S9: My name is S9.
T: Where are your from?
S9: I’m from England.
T: What’s her name?(教师指着刚才操练的女学生。)
S10:Her name is S9.(教师引导回答。)
T: Where is she from?
S10:She is from England.
Step 2  Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)
1. (1)(教师展示教学挂图,简单地介绍Deng Yaping和David Beckham。)
T: Who knows something about Deng Yaping and David Beckham?
T: Look at the first picture. What’s her name?
Ss: Her name is Deng Yaping.
T: Where is she from?
Ss: She is from China.
T: Look at the second picture. What’s his name?
Ss: His name is David Beckham.
T: Where is he from?
Ss: He is from England.
T: Listen to the tape and repeat, imitating the pronunciation and intonation. (再播放一次录音,让学生重点注意语调,并自己规律。)
T: Listen to the tape again. Pay attention to the intonation, please.
What’s his/her name?
His/Her name is…
Where’s he/she from?
He/She is from…
Where’s=Where is
2. (1)(教师一名学生对话。)
T: I’ll ask a student some questions. Who wants to try? Hands up!
T:  What’s your name?
S1: My name is S1.
T:  Where are you from?
S1: I’m from England.
T:  What’s your name?
S2: My name is S2.
T:  Where are you from?
S2: I’m from China.
T:  Are they from the U.S.A.?(教师指着S1和S2。)
S3: No, they aren’t.(教师引导回答并解释。板书并领读they, aren’t。)
T:  Where are they from?
S3: S1 is from England and S2 is from China.
T:  Are they from England?
Ss: No, they aren’t.(教师帮助回答。)
T:  Where are they from?
Ss: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.(教师帮助回答并解释Cuba。) (教师一名学生示范对话,然后同桌之间互相操练,教师板书并领读。)
Are they from…?
No, they aren’t.
Where are they from?
…is from…and…is from…
aren’t=are not
T: Read and pay attention to the writing, especially the capital letters and punctuation mark.
S4: Are they from the U.S.A.?
S5: No, they aren’t.
S4: Where are they from?
S5: Kangkang is from China and Jane is from Canada.
Step 3  Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:8分钟)
1. (1)(教师展示1b中的三张图片来巩固新知识。让学生猜Liu Xiang, Kelly Holmes和Michael Jordan的名字及国籍。完成1b。)
T: Picture 1, his name is Liu Xiang.(示范)
Ss: Picture 2, her name is Kelly Holmes.
Ss: Picture 3, his name is Michael Jordan.
T: Do you know where they are from?
(3)T: Where is he from?(教师指着Liu Xiang的照片。)
S1: He is from China.
T: Where is she from?(教师指着Kelly Holmes照片。)
S2: She is from England.
T: Where is he from?(教师指着Michael Jordan照片。)
S3: He is from the U.S.A..
T: Ask and answer in pairs.
S3: What’s his name?(指着一个男同学S5)
S4: His name is S5.
S3: Where is he from?
S4: He is from China.
beckhamS6: What is her name?(指着一个女同学S8)
S7: Her name is S8.
S6: Where is she from?
S7: She is from England.
Step 4  Practice 第四步练习(时间:7分钟)
1. (每个同学准备好一张最喜欢的体育明星或电影明星的照片,最好有国旗图片以及他/她们国家著名建筑或自然风光的图片,到讲台上向大家作介绍完成1c。目的是活跃课堂气氛,引起学生兴趣。)