1.By the time I ________ on the TV, Beckham ________ two goals.           
A. turned; have scored                                         B. turned; had scored
C. had turned; have scored                                  D. had turned; had scored
【解析】【分析】句意:当我打开电视的时候,贝克汉姆已经进了两个球。本句是时间状语从句,by the time到…时候为止,用于一般过去时,可排除CD选项。从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时,需用“had+过去分词”结构,可排除A;根据句意结构,可知,故选B。
2.The car suddenly _________ on the road and went out of control. Finally, it was seen _________ into the wall of the building.           
A. was broken down; crash                                  B. broke down; crash
C. was broken down; to crash                              D. broke down; to crash
【解析】【分析】句意:汽车在路上突然加速,失去了控制。最后,人们看到它撞到了建筑物的墙壁上。break down和主语car是主动关系,故排除A和C,be seen to do,固定搭配,被看到做某事,故用不定式,故选D。
【点评】考查语态和固定搭配,注意be seen to do的用法。
3.—Do you know who invented lights? 
—Yes, they          by Edison.
A. invented                   B. are invented                   C. were invented                   D. was invented
【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道谁发明了电灯吗?——是的,它们是被爱迪生发明的。A. invented发明,一般过去时态;B. are invented被邀请;一般现在时态的被动语态;C. were invented被邀请,一般过去时态的被动语态;D. was invented被邀请,一般过去时态的被动语态,单数。电灯的发明已成为过去,这里是一般过去时态的被动语态,主语是复数,这里用were done的形式。根据句意,故答案为C。
beckham 【点评】考查被动语态。注意一般过去时态被动语态的构成。
4.--- When ______ you ______ here?
                    --- Two days ago.
A. did;come                       B. have; come                       C. will; come                        D. do; come
5.The number of Tik Tok users(抖音用户)______ sharply since Tik Tok _____ in 2016. It's really popular now.           
A. has risen; appeared                                          B. have been risen; appeared
C. have raised; was appeared                              D. has been raised; was appeared
【点评】 考查时态和语态,注意rise是不及物动词,appear是系动词,没有被动形式。
6.—Great changes have taken place in our hometown over the past years.
—Yeah. Things ______different when we were young.
A. have been                                B. are                                C. will be                                D. were
【解析】【分析】句意:——在过去的几年里,我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。——是的。我们年轻时情况不同。根据后文when we were young可知,本句时态为一般过去时,用were。故选D。
7.Yesterday while I was walking in the park, I saw a watch on the ground and    . I gave it to a policeman.           
A. picked it up                   B. picked up it                   C. to pick it up                   D. to pick up it
【解析】【分析】句意:昨天我在公园散步的时候我看到地上有一个手表,捡了起来,我把它交给了警察。and是并列连词,连接两个并列谓语,根据前面的saw,可知用一般过去时;pick up是动副短语,人称代词作宾语时,代词放中间。故选A。
8.—Where did you go last winter vacation? 
—I ________ to London with my family.
A. go                              B. have gone                              C. went                              D. was going
9.—Jerry, have you ever been to the Great Wall?
—Yes. I______ there with my parents last year.
A. go                                B. went                                C. will go                                D. have gone
【解析】【分析】句意:—Jerry,你曾经去过长城吗?—是的,去年我和我父母一起去那儿的。由第二句的时间标志词 last year 可以理解句意为去年我和爸妈去过长城。属于一般过去时的标志词,故选B。
10.—Have you ever been to Shanghai? 
—Of course. Actually, I _________there for six years but now I live in Taizhou.
A. worked                     B. was working                     C. would work                     D. have worked
【解析】【分析】句意:——你去过上海吗?——当然。事实上,我在那里工作了六年,但是现在我住在泰州。根据答语 but now I live in Taizhou. 但是现在我住在泰州,可知在上海工作为过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时,work的过去式为worked,故选A。
11.David is a tennis player. He       to play tennis when he was six years old.
A. begins                            B. will begin                            C. began                            D. has begun
【解析】【分析】句意:戴维是一个网球运动员,当他六岁的时候他开始打网球。根据句中的时间状语从句when he was six years old可知,该动作是在过去做的,应选择一般过去时态,动词用过去式,故选 C。