1、what are the main points that the local guide must try to make certain when reading the tour plan of the group in order that he would not miss meeting the group when it arrives or would not wait hopefully for the group to turn up when actually it is not coming on the scheduled flight or train?为了避免接团时发生误接、漏接和空接,地陪在阅读接待计划时应注意哪些问题?
(1)The name and telephone number of the tour operator of the domestic tour organizer travel service.
(2)The number of people in the group and the name ,sex and occupation of the tourists.
(3)The arrival time and place of the plane or train that the group is going to take.
(4)For an inbound tourist group ,he must also know the name of the overseas tour organizer travel service,the foreign language name or code of the group ,the name of the tour escort ,the language ,nationality and religious belief of the tourists and the entry and exit cities of the group. (1)国内组团社联络人和全陪的姓名及电话号码; (2)旅游团成员的人数、性别、姓名和职位; (3)团队抵达本地时所乘的交通工具的班次、时间和接站地点; (4)接待入境团时还要了解客源地组团社和领队的名称、旅行团的外语名称或代号、游客的国籍、语言和宗教信仰以及旅行团的入(出)境地点等。
2、What are the main points that the local guide of an inbound tourist group must get to know about the transport tickets for the group ?
(1)Have the group's transport ticket for the next destination been booked according to schedule or have they been changed? And has the changed booking been confirmed?
考导游证(2)Are there any return tickets for the group?
(3)Do the tourists hold international air-tickets for domestic flight?
(4)Are the group’s tickets, i.e。 transport tickets for leaving the country, confirmed Ok or do they still remain open? 接待入境的地陪应从哪方面掌握交通票据的情况?
3、In what ways must the local guide make preparations for conducting a group in respect to language and knowledge ? 地陪上团前应如何做好语言和知识方面的准备?
(1)Before the group arrives, the local guide must familiarize himself with the explanatory materials on the places that the group is going to visit. For an English way of expressing himself。
(2)For a tourist group that is composed of people in a specia
l trade, the local guide must try to acquaint himself with the knowledge and technician terms off their specialty.
(3)In addition,the local guide must be well prepared for questions about hot talks of the town,important news at home and abroad and any other subjects that the tourists may be interested in。
(4)If the local guide himself is new to the places to the places to be visited by the group,he must try his best to familiarize himself with them beforehand.(1)根据接待计划上确定的参观游览项目,做好讲解内容的准备,外语导游还要做好语言表达方法上的准备;(2)接待有专业要求的团队,要做好相关专业知识、词汇的准备;(3)做好当前热门话题、国内外重大新闻、游客可能感兴趣的话题等方面的准备;(4)对自己不熟悉的景点应事先设法作详细了解。
4、How can the local guide make sure that the group he met in the airport or train station is the very one he is to meet ? 接待入境团的地陪在机场或车站接团时,应如何确认某一团队是否是自己应接的团?
(1)The local guide must ask the tourists what country they come from and inquire of them about the names of their tour escort and their national guide,the name of the travel service in their own country and the name of the tour organizer travel service in China .
(2)If the group has neither escort nor national guide,he must inquire of the tourists their nationality,the name or code of the group,and the number of people and the main itinerary of the group。 答:(1)应问清该团来自哪个国家(地区)、客源地祖团社和国内组团社的名称、领队和全陪的姓名等;(2)如该团没有领队和全陪,地陪应与该团成员核对团名、团号、国别及游客人数、姓名并核实其主要行程。
5、Try to make a welcome speech to a tourist group in the name of a local guide. The following points should be included:以地陪身分对旅行团致欢迎词
(1)According the tourists a welcome for their visit to your city on
behalf of your travel service,the driver and yourself ;
(2)Introducing yourself and the travel service you work for;
(3)Introducing the driver;
(4)Expressing your willingness and desire to render good services to the tourists;
(5)Wishing the tourists a pleasant stay in your city。(1)代表所在接待社、司机及本人欢迎客人的光临;(2)介绍自己的姓名及所属单位;(3)介绍司机(4)表示提供优质服务的诚挚愿望;(5)预祝游客旅游愉快.
6、What things should be mentioned when the local guide is telling the tourist the general conditions of his city?地陪在向游客作当地概况介绍时,应包括哪些内容?(1)The city’s climate,population,administrative division,social life,cultural tradition,special products and its history.
(2)In the meantime,he should take occasion to tell the tourists something about the city’s developments in economy and municipal construction as well as the streets and important buildings along the way。答:(1)介绍当地的概况应包括气候条件、人口、行政区域划分、社会生活、文化传统、土特产品、历史沿革等;(2)还要适时介绍当地的市貌、发展概况及沿途经过的重要建筑物、街道等。