摘  要
根据国家统计局给出的数据,在中国,美妆产品市场最近几年的销售份额已经超过了数千亿人民币, 美妆产品市场的增长速度比同期的国内GDP涨速还要快,再加上中国的经济不断发展,我们国家已经成为了世界第二大美妆产品市场。
Research on the influencing factors of college students' purchase intention of beauty products endorsed by stars
According to the data provided by the National Bureau of statistics, in China, the market sh
are of beauty products has exceeded hundreds of billions of RMB in recent years. The growth rate of the market of beauty products is faster than that of the domestic GDP in the same period. Coupled with the continuous development of China's economy, our country has become the second largest market of beauty products in the world.
With the rapid development of domestic and global beauty products market, there will be more and more fierce competition among the beauty products market. If beauty products enterprises want to stand firm and maximize profits, they must grasp the purchase characteristics of consumers, study the purchase intention of consumers, and then formulate marketing strategies suitable for their own enterprises.
Today, there are many kinds of beauty products in the market, consumers often choose to buy the same beauty products because of some simple factors, and in the case of similar functions and prices, choosing their favorite products or star endorsements is one of the very important factors. In this situation, there are many beauty companies will choose the strategy of star endorsement to improve their brand.
Secondly, college students have become a special consumer group, they generally have not formed a brand preference nor a special brand loyalty, so enterprises are more likely to sell their products to them, and cultivate loyalty, so many enterprises will choose college students as their target customers.
In this paper, through the questionnaire, and then build the SPSS model, to find out the influencing factors of College Students' purchase intention of star endorsement beauty products. In the process of investigation, the questionnaire was randomly distributed on the network. On this basis, SPSS software was used to make statistical analysis of this investigation, and then descriptive analysis, reliability test analysis, validity test analysis, correlation test analysis were made to determine whether the design of the questionnaire topic and the final results conform to the original assumptions.
Keywords: Star endorsement; beauty products; purchase intention; marketing