张明信片打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。这张明信片的尺寸约为10至15米,重56公斤。为不违反邮局规则,这张明信片同其他信件或者印刷品邮件一样贴有邮票。 一共需要195张价值约为2000卢布的邮票。明信片一面绘有埃斯泰尔–想象中的心爱姑娘的形象,另一面则写满爱情宣言,这是由一些彼得堡人在一个月前写上去的。 男女的恋爱是一种艺术,情书的写作更是一种艺术。如果说情场如战场,情书便是爱情战场上攻坚最犀利的武器。情场上的胜利或失败,情书写作技巧的优劣巧拙,至少要负一半以上的责任,因此,写情书怎能不刻意讲求呢? 情书,这是一个动人的名词:尤其是在青春时代的青年男女们,对于情书的价值之重视,往往会超出其他一切物质上的享受。为什么情书会有这样大的价值呢?就因为情书是求爱恋爱甚至结婚,生活中最重要的一环。在求爱与恋爱的场合之下,有些时候,若没有情书介媒其间,则求爱的进行
必倍感吃力,且会至于功亏一篑,使恋爱的美梦付之泡影。 换句话说:在求爱的时期中,双方都羞于谈情说爱的话,惟一倾吐情衷的方法,除了用书信去表达,就没有其他更好的办法了。若在恋爱进行的时期中,假如双方有离别的遭遇,倘能把离愁别绪,借书信来互相表达,则爱情不致中途冷落,自是意中的事。
Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn
King Henry VIII originally courted Anne Boleyn’s sister Mary, butit was Anne who caught the English royal’s wandering eye —though she refused to be his mistress. She wanted to be Queen.Unfortunately for Anne, the temperamental King had anotherchange of heart and ordered her execution in 1536. Henry VIIIwrote Anne this letter in 1527:
“I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us. Necessity compels me toobtain this answer, having been more than a year wounded by the dart of love, and not yet surewhether I shall fail or find a place in your affection.”
Napoleon to His Wife Josephine
The ruthless French leader had a sweet side for his wife Josephine. Although he divorced h
er whenshe could not have children, he continued to write to her. A few days after they were married,Napoleon left to command the French army near Italy. In the following months, he frequentlywrote, expressing how much he missed her. He wrote the following on July 17, 1796:
“Since I left you, I have been constantly depressed. My happiness is to be near you. Incessantly Ilive over in my memory your caresses, your tears, your affectionate solicitude. The charms of theincomparable Josephine kindle continually a burning and a glowing flame in my heart. When, freefrom all solicitude, all harassing care, shall I be able to pass all my time with you, having only to loveyou, and to think only of the happiness of so saying, and of proving it to you?”
Beethoven to His Immortal Beloved
The identity of Ludwig van Beethoven’s “immortal beloved,” who received a plethora of lettersfrom the composer in 1812, is still a mystery, but historians believe it was Antonie Brentano, adiplomat’s daughter. Beethoven dedicated his Diabelli Variations Op. 120 to her, and in one of hisletters found after his death, he famously wrote:
“Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, Be calm–loveme–today–yesterday–what tearful longings for you–you–you–my life–my all–farewell. Ohcontinue to love me–never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine. Evermine. Ever ours.”
Winston Churchill to His Wife Clementine
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his wife Clementine were married for 56 years andwrote to each other whenever they were apart. Winston wrote this letter to Clementine on Jan. 23, 1935, while she was traveling abroad:
“My darling Clemmie, in your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me, abouthaving enriched your life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel sooverwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love…What it has been to me to live allthese years in your heart and companionship no phrases can convey.”