听力部分( 40分)
一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,将其答案的 字母标号填在题前括号内。(7.5分)  (    )1. A. Canada
B. China
C. USA (    )2. A. man          B. map              C. cap (    )3. A. tall          B. thin            C. small (    )4. A. sixteen          B. seventeen        C. eighteen (    )5. A. father
B. brother
C. mother
(    ) 1. A                  B
(    ) 2. A                  B
(    ) 3. A
(    ) 4. A                  B
(    ) 5. A                  B
(    )1. A. She is thin.                B. She is in the car. (    )2. A. He is my friend. (朋友)    B. He is 12. (    )3. A. I can see 5.                B. I have 5.
(    )4. A. He is fat.                B. He is from the UK. (    )5. A. Yes, I do.              B. It ’s yellow.
) 1. A. My teacher is tall and thin. B. My teacher is short and fat. (    ) 2. A. My sister likes watermelons.
B. My sister likes strawberries.
) 3. A. My book is in the desk.
B. My book is on the desk.
(    ) 4. A. The girl is from the UK. B. The boy is from the USA.
(    ) 5. A. How many kites do you see? B. How many cars do you see?
(    ) 1. A                  B
(    ) 2. A                  B
(    ) 3. A                  B                        (    ) 4. A                  B
(    ) 5. A                  B
笔试五题  16
19  17
19  17
六.听对话,在相应的内容下打√。 (5分)
笔试部分( 60分)
(    )1.              A. oranges          B. strawberries
(    )2.              A. pupil          B. teacher
(    )3.                A. ball
B . cap
(    )4.
A. pear
B. apple
(    )5.              A. desk
B. chair
二、选择与句意相符的图片,把图片的字母标号写在题前括号    内。( 5分)
A.        B.
E. (    ) 1.My father has a car. He likes it very much. (    ) 2.I have a map. It ’s a map of China. (    ) 3. I have a pear. It is yellow.
(    ) 4. Look at the giraffe. It ’s so tall.          (    ) 5. My bag is in the desk.
三、情景交际( 20分 )
( ) 1. Is she your mother?    A. It’s in my bag.
( ) 2. Do you like apples?    B. No, she is my teacher. ( ) 3.Who’s that woman?    C. Yes, I do.
( ) 4. Where is your pencil box? D. Nice to meet you.
( ) 5. Mum, this is my teacher.    E. She is my grandmother.
B.读对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。将其序号填在题前的括号里。( 5 ( )1.--Boys and girls, We have a new friend. Her name is Lingling.
A.    B.    C.
( )2 . --How many oranges do you have?
--I have eighteen.
A.    B.    C.
( )3.--Amy, Let’s go to the zoo!
--Look, What’s this?
--It’s an elephant, a big elephant.
A.    B.    C.
( )4. --Look, Who’s this woman?
--She is Miss White. She is our teacher.
A.    B.    C.
( )5. --Mum, Where is the cat? Is it on the desk?
-No, it isn’t . Look! It’s on the chair.
A.  B.    C.
C. 根据图片和情景提示将下列句子进行排序,使之形成完整的对话。(5分) ( 情景提示:Mike 去朋友家做客。)
(    )—OK, Here you are. (    )—Thanks.
(  1 )—Mike, Have some grapes. (    )—You are welcome.
(    )—Sorry, I don ’t like grapes.  (  3 )—Do you like watermelons? (    )—Yes. I do.
D 、选择句子补全对话,将答案序号写在横线上。(5分)
Tom: Hi, Amy._____________ Amy: Oh, how nice! ____________ Tom: Guess! Amy: _______
Tom: Open it and see!
Amy:1, 2, 3…16! __________ Tom: _______
A 篇  读短文,判断正误(T 表示正确,F 表示错误)。
Hi ,I ’m Mike. I ’m from the USA. I ’m nine years old. I like bananas, watermelons and oranges. I don ’t like apples and pears. I like animals (动物) very much. I have two toy giraffes and three toy monkeys. Look! The giraffes are tall, and the monkeys are short. What about you?