班级_____  姓名_____  成绩___________
Listening part听力部分( 60)
一、Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出你所听到的内容10%
1Ii      Ll                2Hh    Gg
3 Xx      Ss              4.Aa    Rr
5.  p.m.  A.M.              6.  fox    box
7.  vest    nest                8. fifteen  fourteen
9.  pear    bear              10. grandpa  grandma
二、Listen and write.(单词,写四线格上正确书写出这些单词的首字母的大小写。)10%
  1. ock    2. ebra  3.  ain  4. ight  5. ump
6. ey    7. oose  8.  nt  9. ce-cream 10. iger
三、Listen and number.听录音,给图片标号。)10%
四、Listen and write.(听录音,在相应的表格里写上物品的数量。)10%
Wu Yifan
Listen and draw.(听录音,如果与听到的内容相符就画笑脸,不相符就画哭脸。)10%
六、Listen and choose the right answer.(听句子,选出最佳答语并将序号填在题前括号内。)10%
三年级英语期末试卷  1. A.I have twelve.  .        B. I can see twelve.     
  2. A.She is my mother.        B. He is my friend   
  3. A.Yes, I do.                B. I  like strawberries.
  4. A.I’m from Canada.        B.Nice to meet you. 
  5. A. Thank you.              B. No problem.
Writing Part笔试部分(40)
一、Read and choose.(选出不同类的单词。)6%
      1.A. boy    B. man      C. walkman
      2.A. teacher  B.mother    C.father
      3.A. USA    B. PRC      C.KFC
      4.A. taxi    B. bike
      5.A. fifeen  B. twenty    C.many
      6.A. grapes  B.giraffe    C.goose
二、Tick or cross. (看图,读句子。如果两者相符,在括号中打√,否则打×。)(12分)
1. He is my grandfather.(    )   2. The ball is under the chair.(    )
3.Tom is tall.(      )            4.  The kite is  on the tree.(    )
  Tom      Sam
5. She is from America.        6. He is a sutudent.(    )
三、Read and match.把正确的单词的编号填到对应的图片下面的括号里。)10%
(    )                (    )            (    )
(    )              (    )              (    )
      (    )          (    )                     
    (1) chair    (2) zoo    (3) jeep  4watermelon 5 girl
    (6)walkman  (7)twenty  (8) teacher  (9) milk        (10) lamp
三、Choose the right answer. (根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。) 12%
(  ) 1.Can I have an orange ,please?      A.Sorry. I don’t like bananas.
(  ) 2.Do you like bananas?            B.She’s my  sister.
(  ) 3.Who’s that girl  ?          C.No, thanks.
(  ) 4.How many cats can you see?          D.It’s in the zoo..
(  ) 5.Where is the tiger?              E.Sure.Here you are.
(    ) 6.Have some more?                        F. I can see 11.
四、 Read ,tick or cross.读一读,判断,与短文内容相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。5%
Hello!My name is Cathy.I’m a girl.I’m nine years old. I like red and yellow. I like peaches and I don’t like bananas. I have a good friend. Its name is Mimi.It’s a cat. I like it very much.
1. I’m a boy.(    )
2. I’m eight years old.(    )
3.I like peaches.(      )
4.I like blue.(      )
5.Mimi is a cat.(    )
一、Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出你所听到的内容)10%
1 Ll  2Hh 3 Xx  4. Rr 5. A.M.  7.  vest 8.  fourteen 9.  pear 10.  grandma
二、Listen and number.听单词,写四线格上正确书写出这些单词的首字母的大小写。)10%
1lock 2. zebra 3. rain  4.night 5. .jump 6 key 7. goose 8. ant  10. tiger
三、Listen and write.(听录音,在相应的表格里写上物品的数量。)10%
Mike: I’m Mike. I have twelve crayons and sixteen cars.
Wu Yifan: I’m Wu Yifan. I have eleven rulers and three kites.
Sarah: I’m Sarah. I have fifiteen books and twenty pencils.
Amy: My name is Amy. I have eight crayons and seven rulers.
John: I’m John. I have ten yo-yoes and thirteen cars.
四、Listen and draw.(听录音,如果与听到的内容相符就画笑脸,不相符就画哭脸。)10%
1. Type JKLMN.  2.GHI,fly a kite.    3.C,C,C,look and see. 
4.Circle LMNOP.  5.Big,big,big, make your eyes big.
五、Listen and choose the right answer.(听句子,选出最佳答语并将序号填在题前括号内。)10%
1. How many ducks  can you  see?
2.Who’s this boy?
3.Do you like strawberries.
4.Where are you from?
5.Happy Children’s Day.
                                                          沈二小  英语协作组