    In the realm of education, the significance of language proficiency has long been recognized, and the question of whether to prioritize English or the national language as the medium of instruction remains a topic of ongoing debate. While both approaches possess their own strengths and weaknesses, the particular context and educational goals of a society should ultimately determine the most effective approach.
英语四级各题分值    Advocates of English as the medium of instruction emphasize its global prevalence and its role as a lingua franca. English is widely used in international business, academia, diplomacy, and scientific research. By using English as the medium of instruction, students are exposed to the language from an early age, which can provide them with a competitive advantage in the global market. Additionally, English can facilitate access to a vast body of knowledge and resources that are available in English-language textbooks, online materials, and databases.
    However, proponents of the national language as the medium of instruction argue that it is essential for preserving cultural identity and promoting national cohesion. The national language is the language of the home, the community, and the nation, and it plays a vital role in transmitting cultural values, beliefs, and traditions. Using the national language as the medium of instruction allows students to engage with their own culture and heritage in a meaningful way. Additionally, it can help to promote social equity and inclusivity by ensuring that all students have equal access to education, regardless of their linguistic background.
    Ultimately, the decision of whether to use English or the national language as the medium of instruction should be based on the specific context and educational goals of a society. In some cases, a hybrid approach that combines elements of both languages may be the most effective solution. By striking a balance between global competence and cultural preservation, societies can provide their students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st century.