  Name: ___________________          Score: ____________________
  I. Read the words and sentences. Find the correct word and write it on the line. (8x2’=16’)
  octopus  ,  album  ,  restaurant  ,  kangaroo  ,  medicine
  uniforms  ,  tiger  ,  Australia  ,  mountain  ,  belt   
  1. If you are ill, take this and it will make you feel better. _______________
  2. Children usually go to school in them and some people go to work
in them too. _________________________
  3. It is an animal which lives in Australia and can jump high. ______________
  4. You go there to have dinner with your friends. _________________________
  5. It lives in the water. It’s the one with eight legs. ________________________
  6. Your trousers or shorts may fall down without it. _______________________
  7. Some people like to climb it and you can see a lot from the top of it. _______
  8. You put all your photos together in that. _______________________________
  II.   Read and choose. ( 6x2’=12’)
  1.  My twin brother is ____________________ taller than me。
  A. many          B. much          C.  more
  2.  Where are you going in the winter vacation? ____________________。
  A.  By plane        B.  To Singapore    C.  With my family
  3. He often ___________________ TV in the evening。
  A. watch          B. is watching      C.  watches
  4.  I decided ___________ to Japan for my vacation。
  A. go              B. to go            C.  going
  5.   I`m telling ___________________ a story。
  A. his              B.  he               C.  him
  6. He has been looking ______________ her pen for a long time。
  A.  in              B.  on              C.  for
  III.  Look at the example and make the dialogue. ( 4x2’=8’)
  Example:                 What does the building look like?
  It looks like a match box, doesn’t it?
  a match box
  1        。
  a big umbrella
  a huge bird
  a dictionary
  a colorful bridge     
  IV.   Copy and reorder the following phrases. (10x1’=10’)
  a.  light the candles                b.  cut the cake
  c.  invite friends                    d.  open the presents
  e.  put the candles on the cake        f.  blow out the candles
  g.  eat the cake                     h.  make a wish
  i.  sing the birthday song            k.  close eyes
  1.                                  2.
  3.                                  4.
  5.                                  6.
  7.                                  8.
  9.                                 10. 
  按正确顺序为:______    ______    ______    _______    _______   
  _______    ______    ______    _______    _______
  V.  Read the passage and choose the correct answers. (12x2’=24’)
  Bats can     1     in the sky with their     2     but they have
  teeth. They are     3     birds, they also have legs, but they can’t     4    。
  Bats have eyes, but they can see     5    . How can they catch insects? A
  Bat makes sounds     6     it flies. If a bat meets with something, the sounds
  7     the bat’s ears. Then it can     8     wheather(是否) it is a wall or
  a flying insect in front of it。
  In the     9     you can’t see even a bat     10  . Bats always hide
  themselves in dark places. When they rest they hang themselves. In the    11   
  they fly out. They catch insects for food and kill(杀死) a lot of bad insects     12 
  people. From all these above, we know they are useful animals, but some people
  think them to be bad animals。
  (    ) 1.  A.  walk        B.  fly        C.  rum        D.  jump
  (    ) 2.  A.  legs        B.  feet       C.  wings      D.  arms
  (    ) 3.  A.  not        B.  also        C.  too        D.  either
  (    ) 4.  A.  sit          B.  stand      C.  fly          D.  walk
  (    ) 5.  A.  something  B.  anything    C.  nothing    D.  some things
  (    ) 6.  A.  when      B.  before      C.  after        D.  if
  (    ) 7.  A.  go to        B.  go back to  C.  return      D.  pass
  (    ) 8.  A.  see        B.  look        C.  think      D.  know
  (    ) 9.  A.  daytime    B.  evening    C.  night       D.  noon
  (    ) 10.  A.  flew        B.  fly        C.  flown      D.  to fly
  (    ) 11.  A.  morning    B.  day        C.  evening    D.  night
  (    ) 12.  A.  to          B.  for        C.  from        D.  with
  VI.  Reading Comprehension. ( 15x2’=30’)#p#分页标题#e#
  (1).  Read the passage and the following statements and write true “T” or   
  false “F”   
  Mr. Brown is a doctor. He works in a hospital. It’s far away from his
  home to the hospital. He often comes back home late and often forgets his
  family’s birthdays.                                                                 
  But last Friday afternoon after doing his work, he suddenly remembered
  it was his wife’s birthday. So on his way home he went into a flower shop to
  buy some beautiful flowers。
  Mr. Brown got home and gave his wife the flowers and said to her, “Happy
  birthday to you!” Mrs. Brown saw these beautiful flowers, laughing and saying,
  “My birthday was the day before yesterday, not today, but thank you for giving
  my birthday present. And late better than never。”
  1.  Mr. Brown is an English teacher.                  (    )
  2.  It’s not far away from his home to the hospital.      (    )
  3.  He bought some beautiful flowers for his wife.      (    )
  4.  Mrs. Brown’s birthday was on Wednesday.          (    )
  5.  Mrs. Brown was happy to see her birthday present.  (    )
  (2).  Read the story and choose the best answer to each question。
  Mrs. Green asked her son to look after his baby sister for half an hour
  when she was doing housework。
  The boy took the baby out into the garden and they were playing happily。
  Suddenly the baby began to cry. “Billy, what’s matter with Susan? Why is she
  crying?” Mrs. Green shouted to her son when she heard the baby crying。
  “She wants my coins。” answered Billy。
  “But she wants to keep them!” answered Billy。
  “No, she doesn’t!” Mrs. Green said. “She is only a baby. She is too young
  to understand anything。”
  “But I know that she wants to keep coins,” answered Billy. “She has
  already swallowed(吞下) two of them!”
  (    )  1.  Billy was playing happily with his baby sister___________。
  A. in the house                      B. outside the house
  C. in the garden                    D. behind the garden
  (    )  2.  Susan began to cry because__________________________。
  A. she swallowed two coins            B. she wanted more coins
  C. she wanted to play with Billy        D. Billy took away her coins
  (    )  3.  Mrs. Green__________________________。
  A. wanted Billy to stop her crying    B. let Billy stop crying
  C. asked Billy to keep the coins      D. let Billy play with a few coins
  (    )  4.  Billy_______________________________。
  A. had no time to look after Susan   
  B. had no more coins for Susan
  C. didn’t want to keep the coins for himself
  D. was not good at taking care of babies
  (    )  5.  Mrs. Green_________________________。
  A. stopped to cry 
  B. was too buy to keep the coins
  C. told Susan not to cry 
  D. didn’t know why Susan was crying
  (3).  Passage。
  When Mr. David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near
  the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it . But to his surprise, many
  tourists(游客) came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most
  interesting building in the village. From morning to night there were tourists
  outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the uindows and
  many of them even went into Mr. David’s garden. This was too much for Mr。
  David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window。#p#分页标题#e#
  The notice said. “If you want to satisfy(满意) your curiosity(好奇心) come in and
  look round. Price: twenty dollars。” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would
  stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had
三级 英语
  to spend everyday showing them around his house. “I came have to retire, not
  to work as a guide(导游) 。” he said angrily. In the and, he sold the house and
  moved away。
  1.  Why did Mr. David buy a small house in a village?
  2.  When did the tourists go to his house?
  3.  What did he do then?
  4.  Did Mr. David like the visitors?
  5.  What did he say angrily one day? 