  1.Please don't see me off.The journey I'm walking on alone is lonely and dangerous. -
  请不要为我送⾏。我即将独⾃踏上的旅途是孤独且布满荆棘的。 -
  2.I will always keep my eyes wide open so that I can know everything in your heart. -
  3.I love the way of rain drops falling on the leaves because that is the way you loved me .
  4.I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. Even if let me say this one thousand times,I will never get tired of it.-
  5.Look at the stars in the sky,that's all my wishes especiallly for you. -
  你看到夜空中的星星了么那都是专属于你我的祝福啊。 -
  6.Yep.I'm wondering if you will give all yourself to me when I need you. -
  7.When you turned back ,my heart twitched powerfully.Now I know it's the feeling of pain. -
  8."Good night,my dear." Even if I know you will never hear it.-
  “亲爱的晚安。”即使我知道你永远也不会听到。 -
  8.When all the lights are off,when all the noise are slient,the only thing in my mind is you .-
  9.Thank to the god.Today I can still sit before the computer desk.I can get enough food and water.I a
m still alive .I am not gonna die of any disease or natural disaster.I can still enjoy your warm hug and the loving expression in your eyes.
  10.I miss you.I like you.I love you.I need you.I want you.I am tired of you.I have forgotten you.
  11.What can you do for me? The only thing you can do for me is to get out of my memory.
  12.I know all the things I did are worthless to you.Even if I try so hard ,you will never stand by my side.
  我知道我做的⼀切都⼀⽂不值。即使我再怎么努⼒你也永远不会站在我的⾝旁 .
  13.I like your long long shadow.It just seems you are unhappy to say goodbye to me.
  14.I thought you are the only one who understood me.But now when all the others konw I’m upset,you are the only one who still don’t find it.
  15.I have nothing but you.You have everything but her.
  16.Forget forgot forgotten forgetful forgettable unforgettable.
  17.There is always something I haven't said to you.It's not because of other things,it's because I love you.
  18.If when you talk to me,I will have strong heartbeat in my body.Am I falling love with you?
  1、不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道⾃⼰有多强⼤。 You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。
  2、你不去⾯对⼜怎么能去改变呢。 You cannot change what you refuse to confront。
  3、⽆论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都⾛在了那些不曾尝试的⼈的前⾯。 No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying。
  4、⽣活不是等待暴风⾬过去,⽽是要学会在⾬中跳舞。 Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain。
  5、放⼿不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那⼀刻你该放⼿了,然后继续⽣活。 Letting go doesn't mean that you're a quitter. It doesn't mean that you lost. It just means that you realize in that moment that's it's time to let go and move on。
  6、如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求,不要管别⼈是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦想的⽅式。 If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved。
  7、不要为别⼈怎么看你⽽烦恼。别⼈的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎么看待你⾃⼰。 Give up worrying about what others think of you. What they think isn't important. What is important is how you feel about yourself。
  8、⽣命苦短,你应该过得开⼼些。 Life is short and you deserve to be happy。
  9、有些事情,当我们年轻的时候⽆法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。 For something,we can't understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young.
  10、世界真的很⼩,好像⼀转⾝,就不知道会遇见谁;世界真的很⼤,好像⼀转⾝,就不知道谁会消失。 The world is such small,it's like when you turn around,you don't know who you will see. The world is so big,as if when you turn around,you never know who will disappear.
  11、青春不是⼀段年华,⽽是⼀种⼼境。 Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.
  12、有些好朋友,真的是不知不觉就疏远了,你连原因都不知道是什么。 Some good friends become
distant insensibly,even you do not know why.
  13、不要轻易放弃旧朋友。因你不能别⼈代替他。友情就像酒,越旧越好 Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.
  14、友谊法则第⼀条:永远不要让你的朋友感到孤单,所以啊,有事⼉没事⼉放⼼⼤胆去烦烦他们。 One law in friendship: Never make your friend feel lonely,so disturb them as much as you can.
  15、我的冷漠,是你读不懂的骄傲。 My indifference is the pride that you don't understand.
  16、⼼累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。烦恼,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的都会留在记忆⾥。Tired heart is always hovering between adhering to and giving up, indecisive. Trouble is that memory is good, the mind should not mind will stay in memory。
  17、我为⾃⼰的⼼感到骄傲。它曾受戏弄,曾经⼼焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动。 I'm proud of my heart. It's been
played, burned, and broken, but it still works.
  1、How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads, to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.
  2、We like the needle on the surface, keep turning, turn, a time left in a hurry, powerless.
  3、If you can wait for miracle, I'd rather wait, even a year, or the life!
  4、Fading is true while flowering is past.
  5、Trying to please other people is largely a futile activity.
  6、The man always remember, lonely life of every man, as I kept thinking of you!
  7、Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
  8、You give me a drop of t ears, I saw your heart all the oceans.
  9、After all this time, it's still you.
  10、In life, then boring time, also are limited edition.
  11、If we are children of the time, you can stay there, sit together, listen to those who never old stories side HaoShou slowly.
  12、When you really love when you can find the fragility and language.
  13、All know that the only constant in the world are always changing.
  14、You never see my loneliest time appearance, because only you're not here with me, I only then loneliest.
  15、Touch the soul of the heart not sacrifice.
  16、There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.
  17、The moonlight stands for my heart.
  18、You have to be open-minded when those early opportunities present themselves; take advantage of them whether they're going to make you a lot of money or not.
  19、I looked over to you in heaven, as you stare me with sorrow.
  20、We put in the darkness of the heart is called the moon dancing.
  21、My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.