To calculate the score of the College English Test (CET) fourth level, you need to understand the scoring system. The CET-4 test is graded on a scale of 120 points, with each section (listening, reading, writing, and comprehensive) assigned a certain number of points. The scoring system for each section may vary slightly from year to year, but generally, the listening section is worth 30 points, the reading section is worth 30 points, the writing section is worth 30 points, and the comprehensive section is worth 30 points. To calculate the final score, you need to convert the raw score for each section into a percentage, and then multiply the percentage by the total number of points for that section. Once you have the weighted scores for each section, you simply add them together to get the total score out of 120.
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要计算大学英语四级考试的成绩,您需要了解评分系统。大学英语四级考试是以120分制,每个部分 (听力、阅读、写作和综合) 都被分配了一定数量的分数。每个部分的评分系统可能会因年份而略有变化,但通常来说,听力部分值30分,阅读部分值30分,写作部分值30分,综合部分值30分。要计算最终得分,您需要将每个部分的原始分数转换为百分比,然后将百分比乘以该部分的总分数。一旦您得到了每个部分的加权分数,只需将它们相加,就能得到总分 (最高120分)。