1.  Please be quiet!The students______ an exam.()
A  take
B  are taking
C  took
D  were taking
2.  ﹣Hurry,Mum!The bus is coming.
﹣Wait a minute,dear.You ________cross the street until the traffic lights are green.()
A  must
B  need
C  mustn't
D  needn't
3.  ﹣Mom,may I drink the milk on the table?
﹣No,you can't.It smells______.It has gone bad.()
A  good
B  well
C  terribly
D  terrible
4.  ﹣Hi,Tom.I haven't seen your parents for days.Where are they?
﹣They aren't at home.They_______ America for holiday.()
A  were in
B  have gone to
C  have been to
D  will go to
5.  Mom,I'm old enough to wash________ clothes and______.You can have a rest now.()
A  my;your
B  my;yours
C  your;my
D  yours;mine
6.  ﹣Did you watch Running Man last night? It was so exciting.
一No.I _____with my grandpa then.()
A  have talked
B  am talking
C  was talking
D  talked
7.  ﹣How is Mary getting on with her lessons?
一She will fail the exam______ she studies harder.()
A  after
B  unless
C  as soon as
D  when
8.  ﹣The weather is too bad!
So it is.It's reported that it will be even______ later on.()
A  bad
B  badly
C  worse
D  worst
9.  I am hungry.But there is little ________ left.I have to go and buy some.()
A  sandwiches
B  potatoes
C  water
D  bread
10.  I'm going to Shanghai._____my mom______ dad are going with me.()
A  Neither;nor
B  Either;or
C  Both; and
D  Not only,but also
11.  Look! There______ a pair of glasses and two boxes on the table.
A  is
B  are
C  was
D  were
12.  ﹣Many accidents ______by careless drivers last year.
﹣Oh,that's terrible.We must follow the traffic rules.()
A  are caused
B  were caused
C  have caused
D  caused
13.  Ben is a hard﹣working writer.He wrote his_______ novel when he was______years old.()
A  five;fifty
B  fifth;fifty
C  fifth:fiftieth
D  five;fiftieth
14.  Parents should tell their children ______ unhealthy food. It's bad for their health.
A  not to eat
B  not eating
C  to eat
D  eating
15.  ﹣Why are you unhappy these days,Julie?
﹣I can't see the blackboard because two tall boys sits_______me.()
A  behind
B  next to
C  in front of
D  between
16.  ﹣How does your brother go to school?
He________ride a bike,but now he _______there to keep fit.()
A  used to;is used to walk
B  used to; is used for walking
C  was used to; is used to walking
D  used to;is used to walking
17.  Lucy often_______ me_______ my best friend.They both have long curly hair.()
A  thinks; of
B  reminds; of
C  helps; out
D  leaves;out
18.  ﹣What did Paul say to you just now,John?
﹣He asked______.()
A  if I could go to the movie with him this evening
B  where I go today
C  who did I go shopping with yesterday
D  when my brother will come back
19.  ﹣Jack fell down and hurt himself yesterday.
A  No problem
B  Nothing serious
C  It doesn't matter
D  I'm sorry to hear that
20.  My cousin is a boy_______lots of trouble to his parents.()
A  who bring
B  which brings
C  who brings
D  that bring
21.    Last year, I worked in a middle school near my mother's house, andI stayed with her for
a month.During that time, I helped her do somehousework and buy some food.After the first week, I noticed that the food was(1)_______ up veryquickly.Then I began keeping an eye on my mom.(2)_______, I found thatshe would put some of the food into a paper bag and go out with it atabout nine every morning.And finally, I decided to(3)_______ her.I sawher taking the food to the street children(流浪儿童).She would also(4)_______ a lot of time talking and playing with them.One day, I talked to a neighbor and found out(5)_______ my mom waswell﹣known in the area.The children were very friendly with her and    even thought of her as(6)_______ own mother.Then it hit me﹣whywouldn't she want to tell me about it?  Was she worried that I would stop(7)_______ fo
od if I found out? When my mom got home, I gave her a big hug.I told her she didn'tneed to keep it a secret from me.And she told me something about the
children.Some of them lived with an old lady in a small house.(8)_______slept on the street.For years, she was helping the poor street children(9)_______giving them food.After she told me everything, I was so(10)_______By how selfless(无私的)she was.As her son, I was so proud.I continued to buy food for my mom after that.But I always addedone more bag for her other children.
A  eat
B  eaten
C  eating
D  to eat
A  To my surprise
B  In my opinion
C  After all
D  By the way
A  call
B  annoy
C  visit
D  follow
A  spend
B  take
C  cost
D  pay
A  whom
B  where
C  that
D  what
A  his
B  her
C  them
D  their
A  buying
B  to buy
C  keeping
D  to keep
A  Others
B  Another
C  Other
D  The other
A  about
B  at
C  for
D  by
A  moving
B  moved
C  excited
D  excitng
22.    School is a good place for us to study.Yet sometimes, it's easy forus to have accidents there.Experts suggest that right safety trainingcould avoid 80% of these accidents.Here are parts of safety rules in
some countries.In China, fire training at chool is common to teach students to deal withemergencies(紧急情况).During the training, students hurry to the playgroundwith a wet cloth covering their mouth.Fire training is held each term.In Jopan, public elementary schools hold carthquake training once a month.They teach students how to escape during an earthquake without pushing.Most US school buildings have fire escapes on each floor.A fire escape hasplatforms(露台)with ladders(梯子).In many middle schools in the UK, students can choose to take a bicyclecourse.There, they learn how to ride to school safely.
(1)________countries are mentioned in this passage.
A  Two .
B  Three .
C  Four .
D  Five.
(2)Students should receive right safety training because________.
A  it is easy.
B  it could avoid most of these accidents.
C  it is interesting.
D  it is accepted by the teachers.
(3)If there is a fire,Chinese students should go to the playground hurriedly________.
A  with a wet cloth covering their mouth.
B  by using ladders.
C  by
bike.        D  by pushing each other.
(4)Public elementary schools in Japan hold earthquake training________.
A  once a week B.        C  once a year D.
(5)This passage mainly talks about________.
A  how to escape from earthquakesB.        C  some school safety rules in some countries.        D  a bicycle course.
Li Haoqin is an 8th grader in Mianyang, Sichuan. The 14-year-old girl studies hard in her English class. Every day, she listens carefully in class and does many exercises after class. However, she can't get good grades, so she is very sad. "Why doesn't my hard work pay off (回报)?" Li Haoqin asks.
Lots of middle school students are now facing this problem: They try their best at something but can't make it. "They don't have effective(有效的)learning methods. This is the main reason of their difficulties," says Bi Qin. She is a well-known English teacher in Bejing No. 4 High School.
Bi Qin thinks that hard work is not enough for middle school students. She says, "Students have more subjects now. They should learn in many different ways. The more you use new words, the better you can remember them. For example, making sentences with new words is an effective way to learn."
Chen Xiping, 13, of Shandong, has his own ways of learning English. "I study hard in school, and I also like watching CCTV-9. On this TV channel, I always see the English words from my textbook," says Chen. "It's really useful."
Lin Pingyi, 13, of Shanghai, has a habit of reading. "like reading English novels like The Old Man and the Sea(《老人与海》). And I wtite notes in my diary," says Lin Pingyi, "In this way, I can remember more words, and make my reading and writing better."
(1)Li Haoqin studies hard at English but she can't get good grades because she doesn't ________.
A  listen carefully in class
B  have effective learning methods
C  do many
exercises        D  play sports after class
(2)Bi Qin is a ________.
A  writer
B  student
C  teacher
D  reporter
(3)The underlined phrase "make it" means "________" in Chinese.
A  按时到达
B  获得成功
C  能够出席
D  事倍功半
(4)In Bi Qin's opinion, students should remember new words effectively by ________.
A  listening to them
B  using them more
C  writing them often
D  reading them aloud
(5)From the passage, we know that ________.
A  Li Haoqin is a student in Grade 9
B  Bi Qin asks students to learn different subjects in the same way
C  Chen Xiping doesn't like watching CCTV-9
D  Lin Pingyi has a habit of reading English novels
24.    Stamps(邮票) help people keep in touch with their friends and families.
They have played an important role in people's lives for centuries now. People have a special day for stamps.October 9is World Post Day.
Before stamps, peple did not pay for the letters they sent,  but instead thay paid for the letters they got.The first stamp ever made in 1840with a picture of Queen Victoria on it.    The earliest stamps didn't have sticky(黏性的)backs.In the past , people used paste (糨糊) sometimes,  but usually they had to pin (钉住) or sew (缝) stamps onto letters!
Years ago sending letters used to be the most important way to communicate with other people. It seemed that everyone had stamps on hand.Although now fewer people send letters, stamp collecting is still
one of the world's most popular hobbies.There are even stamp clubs to
help people find new stamps to add to their collections. Interestingly
enough, the Internet may have reduced the need for stamps, but it is
actually helping collectors find more stamps to add to their collections.
(1)The first stamp was made in________.
A  Britain .
B  China .
C  America .
D  Indis.
(2)Before stamps,people paid when they________ the letters.
A  sent .
B  received .
C  wrote .
D  read.
(3)The carliest stamps didn't have sticky backs,so people________.
A  used to put the stamps into the envelopes(信封).
B  asked the police for help.
C  gave the stamps to the postmen.
D  usually had to pin or sew stamps onto the letters.
(4)Which is NOT true according to the passage?________
A  Stamps help people keep in touch with friends and families.
B  Now everyone has stamps on hand.
C  There was a picture of Queen Victoria on the first
stamp.        D  Stamp collecting is still one of the most popular hobbies in the word.
(5)The main idea of the passage is about________.
A  the history of stamps .
B  the World Post Day.
running man20170226C  what the stamps
are .        D  how to send a letter.
25.    October 16is World Food Day.The UN started the day in 1979.Itis used to remind people not to waste food and fight hunger(饥饿).
Food shortage(匮乏)is a big problem around the world.Right now, there are more than 1billion(10亿)hungry people in the world.Many children go to sleep with hunger,  and 15million of them die because of hunger each year.