Make sure you have something to draw with and some paper. And don't forget that you can pause the video if you need more time.
Let's draw a robot .We'll start with a rectangle for his head. Now let's draw two little dots for his eyes,so he can see Another rectangle for his mouth. And let's give him an antenna. Let's draw a circle and two lines, going down to the head . And we'll add some little lines here.Now let's draw another big rectangle for his body. And a square inside for his control panel. He sure is boxy looking. Let's draw some circles, for buttons. Let's draw two rectangles for his legs and feet. And, we'll add some little lines here. Let's draw a U shape for his hand. And connect it to his body. Let's add some more little lines on the arm. Now let's do the other side. Let's draw another U shape for the other hand And connect it to his body. Let's add some more little lines on the arm.With a blue control panel, and blue hands,and blue feet.
That looks great!