Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads
Write about the following topic:
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 
Sample Answer 1:
Every government works hard so that citizens can commute safely and quickly while businesses get a solid transportation system for trade facilities. Thus when the question arises whether a government should focus on improving its railways or roads, people have divided opinions. I personally agree that the government should spend more money on the railway system. Fast of all, railways offer a safer commuting experience both for the citizens and traders. The numbers of road accidents and highway casualties in many countries, for example, are far higher than that of railway accidents. Thus investing in a safer mode of trans
portation is a much more prudent idea. Moreover, rails cause comparatively less environmental pollutions while road vehicles are the main reason for increasing pollution and around the world. Second, rails can carry hundreds of people and several hundred tonnes of goods at a time while road transports not built for that. Some shuttle trains are many times faster than that those of private cars and public buses. Thus improved railways would save peoples’ valuable time every day. Thirdly, rail lines are usually away from the main cities and that is why some busy cities have no other alternatives than to improve their rail transportation system. Express trains can reduce the traffic congestion in metro areas, and more investment to improve the railway is the only possible solution in many cities where population density is high. Finally, the population of the world is increasing rapidly, and that is why investing more money in a faster and reliable transportation system is more logical than investing in the older transportation system. Railways will be the future in the transportation sector, and investment in it is the better choice for any government. In conclusion, I believe that a government, either in a developed or a developing country, should invest to build a safer, faster and more reliable transportation system, and the railway, for this reason, should get an obvious priority.