Dragonfly Professional Panflutes and Panpipes.
"Dragonfly" Panflutes are professional instruments made using the finest quality materials. The tubes are made from the highest quality and meticulously selected bamboo. The bases are made from beautiful hardwoods such as Bubinga. Construction standards are of the very highest order yet the prices are very reasonable.
Dragonfly Panflutes are made at the workshop of David Pighills in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. David Pighills has travelled Europe visiting professional Panflute workshops and professional musicians and has evolved his building techniques over a number of years.
“蜻蜓式”排笛出至于英格兰约克郡宾利家族David Pighills的工作间。大卫曾游历于欧洲,拜访专业的排笛工作室及专业的音乐家制造商,经过他多年的精雕细琢而成。
The following models of Dragonfly Professional Panflutes are available. They are traditionally tuned in G
major but custom-built models are available on request.
Alto (22 Tubes G1 to G4) 中音(22管G1 到 G4)
Tenor (25 Tubes D1 to G4) 高音(25 管 D1 to G4)
Bass (22 Tubes G to G3)  低音(22 管 G to G3)
Contrabass (26 Tubes low C to G3) 最低音(26 管低C to G3)
The traditional "Standard" classical Romanian Panflute of 22 Tubes G1 to G4 tuned in G Major..
Above is a shot showing the base and back detail of Preda panpipes. The above models are (top to bottom) Sopran-alto , Tenor , Concert & Contrabass.
By comparison with Ulitza and Kuettner , the Preda instruments have slightly wider upper tubes with thicker walls. The lower tubes are a little narrower than Ulitza , Kuettner and Dajoeri. Preda tubes are pre-coated internally with a propolis solution and thus do not need oiling. The degree of curvature of the tube alignment is slightly less accute than the other makes.
相较于Ulitza和Kuettner,Preda 器械管壁较厚,笛管上部略宽,相较于Ulitza笛管下部略窄。Kuettner and Dajoeri. Preda的笛管内部都带有防污染的蜂胶预涂层,并且这样的话就无需上油。笛管排列的弧度大小也不像其它材质的那样精确。
Above - The Preda base pattern. 上图—Preda 式排箫
Above - the Preda Hallmark  上图—Preda排箫的标志
Steffen Kuettner , who is based in Fischach , Germany , makes beautiful panpipes which are superbly constructed from Taiwanese Bamboo. The "Master" models (made to exacting standards) are available in flamed bamboo (heat treated for improved sound) and come with a Walnut base with or without a pattern. Steffen will build a flute to your specification and does not charge excessively either. These panpipes tend to be than Preda and Dajoeri and have a tighter curve. The upper registers are narrow walled and have narrower tubes , whereas the lower registers are relatively wide tubes. The tubes do need regular oiling to keep them in pristine condition.
Steffen Kuettner,本籍德国菲沙赫,能用台湾竹出的制作出漂亮的排箫。那些“主人”型号的排箫(经过严格标准制造而成的),都是用耀眼泽的竹子(为了改善音质而经过高温处理的),以一个胡桃形状作为基底或不带有基底。Steffen按你的标准设立了一个笛子,但是并没有过分的衡量。这些排管相较于Preda 和Dajoeri更趋向于轻便,拥有一个轻微的弧度。上部的音区的管壁狭窄,而且底部音区笛管相对较宽。笛管必须按标准上油,保证清洁。