词汇理解的考査方式为从一篇词数范围在250~300词之间的文章中,留出10 个空格,要求考生从给出的15个备选单词中选出10个,填入文章相应的空格处,使文章意思通顺,表达正确。这部分主要考査考生对词汇的认知和对语法的掌握以及还原篇章语境的能力。
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
To understand why we should be concerned about how young people read, it helps to know something about the way the ability to read evolved. Unlike the ability to understand and produce spoken language,
the ability to read must be painstakingly
36 by each individual. The “reading circuits” we construct in the brain can be
37 or they can be robust, depending on how often and how 38 we use them.
The deep reader enters a state of hypnotic trance (心醉神迷的状态).When readers are enjoying the experience the most, the pace of their reading 39 slows. The combination of fast, fluent decoding of words and slow, unhurried progress on the page gives deep readers time to enrich their reading with reflection and analysis. It gives them time to establish an 40 relationship with the author, the two of them 41 in a long and warm conversation like people falling in love.
This is not reading as many young people know it. Their reading is instrumental: the difference betw een what literary critic Frank Kermode calls “ carnal (肉体
的)reading” and “spiritual reading.” If we allow our offspring to believe carnal reading is all there is — if we don!t open the door to spiritual reading, through an early 42 on discipline and practice — we will have 43 them of an enjoyable experience they would not otherwise encounter. Observing young people’s 44 to digital devices, some progressive educators talk about “ meeting kids where they are, ”
molding instruction around their onscreen habits. This is mistaken. We need, 45 , to show them someplace they’ve never been, a place only deep reading can take them.
A) acquired I) intimate
B) actually J) notwithstanding
C) attachment K) petition
D) cheated L) rather
E) engaged M) scarcely
F) feeble N) swayed
G) illicit O) vigorously
英语六级备考H) insistence
答案速查:36. A 37. F 38. O 39. B 40. I 41. E 42. H 43. D 44. C 45. L#答题技巧解答词汇理解题的步骤应该是,首先跳读全文,抓住文章的中心,然后根据词性词义对选项进行归类,最后逐一判断空处所缺单词的词性及词义,做出选择。
1. 抓中心
2. 词性词义归类
名词: attachment喜爱,爱慕;依附;insistence坚持,坚决的主张; petition请愿书,请愿形容词:acquired已获得的;engaged忙碌的;feeble微弱的,无力的; illicit 违法的,不正当的;intimate亲密的动词: acquired获得;cheated欺骗;engaged从事;swayed影响;摇摆副词: actually实际上;notwithstanding尽管如此,仍然;rather 更确切地说;相反;相当;宁可;scarcely几乎不,简直不;vigorously精力旺盛地Notice:因为考试时间紧张,考生可以借鉴以下两种节省时间的办法: 1)只在单词旁这用n., adj., v., adv.标出词性即可。
3. 分析空处词性,结合词义和逻辑关系做出选择
1) 寻同义转述。空格处的词汇可能是对前后文内容或特定词汇的同义转述,考生应
Weather maps contain a amount of information about weather
conditions existing at the time of observation over a large 备选项:…
分析:由后文的over a large geographical area可知,空格处填入的词应与 amount of information构成一个词组,表示“大量信息”以使前后语义相呼应,E项中big正是对large的同义转述,而small则与之相反,可以排除。
2) 判断逻辑关系。考生可以通过判断空格处与上下文的逻辑关系来确定答案,具体的逻辑关系包括指代、列举、因果、比较、对比、让步、并列、补充、递进等。
@表示转折关系:but, on the contrary, otherwise, yet(表示前后两个部分表达的意思相反,相互对立,一般后面的内容是考查重点)
*表示顺承关系:and, also, first, second, third (通常暗示前后两个部分的内容相辅相成)
* 表示递进关系:furthermore, moreover
* 表示因果关系:consequently, thus, therefore, as a result, so
* 表示比较关系:similarly, equally, like, in the same way
*表示总结: in conclusion, finally, in short, in summary, to sum up, in a word, my point is that, that is to say, briefly(frankly, generally) speaking
3) 识别固定搭配。考生若能在平时多积累一些固定搭配,在考试中就会达到事半功倍的效果。如:表示“利用”之意的就有take advantage of sth.,
make use of sth.等不同的搭配。如:
..Until the 19th century, the of equal rights to women met with only
occasional protest and drew little attention from
备选项:... B)objection…E)denial…
分析:此处要表达的意思是对妇女平等权的否认,选项中的objection和 denial都有“否决,反对”之意,但objection常与介词to搭配,denial常与介词of搭配,根据空格后的介词of可知E项正确。
4) 词义(词性)的关联和平衡。如:
...Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms, floods, ,
I droughts, and all climatic conditions
I 备选项:…C))
, 分析:结合空格前后的storms、floods、droughts_-and all climatic conditions in general可知,空格处应填入表示天气的词,所以C选项frosts (严寒,霜
完成选择后,考生须将所选单词代入原文进行复读,确认上下文的衔接 I是否通顺并
核实答案。值得一提的是,如果考生觉得某些题目需要调整选 I择,只能谨慎微调,切忌将已经做出的选择全部推翻,而进行重选,这样不 I但浪费时间,答题效果也不一定好。
36. A空前为be动词和副词,空后是by sb.,显然此处为被动语态形式,需填入过去分词,选项中有四个单词是过去分词形式。再根据上下文语义“阅读能力一定是每个人辛苦的”,只有“获得”符合句意,故选
37. F空前为系动词be,空后为并列连词or和并列成分they can be robust,判断空处填形容词。根据句意“我们大脑中形成的‘阅读回路’可能是,或者是强健的”,or连接的并列分句前后应存在对照关系,robust的反义词正是选项中的feeble,两者形成了反义对照关系,故feeble为答案。
38. 0空前为how,空后出现了动词use,判断空处要填副词。根据句意“ 取决于我们使用它们的频率和我们多使用它们”,副词选项中只有vigorously符合句意。
39. B空处所在句的结构完整,显然空处要填副词。本句意为“当读者最大限度地享受阅读时,他们阅读的速度会降低。”将actually代入句中,符合句意。
40.1空前为冠词an,空后为名词relationship,显然空处要填以元音发音开头的形容词,备选项有engaged“忙碌的”;illicit1*违法的,不正当的”;intimate “亲密的”。我们一般用intimate“亲密的”来修饰relationship。
41. E空前为the two of them,空后为介词in,显然空处要填与in搭配的分词。剩下的分词选项有cheated“欺骗”;engaged“从事”;swayed“影响;摇摆”,其中只有engaged可与in搭配,意为“从事于”。
42. H空前为不定冠词an和形容词early,空后为介词on,显然空处要填与on搭配的单数名词。名词选项有attachment"喜爱;爱慕;依附”;insistence“坚持,坚决的主张”;petition"请愿书,请愿”,其中可与on搭配的是insistence。
43. D空前为助动词have,空后为them,空处要填动词的过去分词,且该动词要与后面的of搭配。剩下的动词选项有cheated“欺骗”;swayed“影响,摇摆”。
cheat sb. of sth.意为“阻止某人得到某物”,符合句意。
44. C空前为young people’s,空后为介词to,故空处要填和to搭配的名词。剩下的名词中attachment可
45. L空处所在句不缺任何主干成分,且空前和空后都有逗号,判断此处要填入副词。此处是对前一句This is mistaken.的确切陈述,故用rather。
练习1.Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each itemon Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the
centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
A novel way of making computer memories, using bacteria FOR half a century, the (1) __________of progress in the computer industry has been to do more with less.
Moore's law famously observes that the number of transistors which can be crammed into a given space (2)__________ every 18 months.
The amount of data that can be stored has grown at a similar rate.
Yet as (3)__________ get smaller, making them gets harder and more expensive.
On May 10th Paul Otellini, the boss of Intel, a big American chipmaker, put the price of a new chip factory at around $10 billion.
Happily for those that lack Intel's resources, there may be a cheaper option—namely to mimic Mother Nature,
who has been building tiny (4)__________, in the form of living cells and their components, for billions of years, and has thus got rather good at it.
A paper published in Small, a nanotechnology journal , sets out the latest example of the (5)__________.
In it, a group of researchers led by Sarah Staniland at the University of Leeds, in Britain, describe using naturally occurring proteins to make arrays of tiny magnets,
similar to those employed to store information in disk drives.
The researchers took their (6)__________ from Magnetospirillum magneticum, a bacterium that is sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field thanks to the presence within its cells of flecks of magnetite, a form of iron oxide.
Previous work has isolated the protein that makes these miniature compasses. Using genetic engineering, the team managed to persuade a different bacterium—Escherichia coli, a ubiquitous critter that is a workhorse of biotechnology—to (7)__________ this protein in bulk.
Next, they imprinted a block of gold with a microscopic chessboard pattern of chemicals.
Half the squares contained anchoring points for the protein.
The other half were left untreated as controls.
They then dipped the gold into a solution containing the protein, allowing it to bind to the treated squares, and dunked the whole lot into a heated (8)__________ of iron salts.
After that, they examined the results with an electron microscope.
Sure enough, groups of magnetite grains had materialised on the treated squares, shepherded into place by the bacterial protein.