The CET-4 (College English Test Band 4) is a standardized English test in China, known for its strict grading system. The scores for CET-4 range from 0 to 710, with the passing score being 425. The grading system for CET-4 is divided into six levels: A, B, C, D, E, and F. Students who score between 510 and 710 are awarded an A level, indicating an excellent command of English. Those who score between 425 and 509 receive a B level, showing a good understanding of the language. Students with scores between 345 and 424 are given a C level, suggesting a fair grasp of English. D level is for those scoring between 275 and 344, while E level is for scores between 205 and 274. The lowest level, F, is for students scoring below 205, indicating a poor performance in English. Each level represents a different level of proficiency in English, ranging from advanced to elementary.
英语四级考试是中国的一项标准化英语考试,以其严格的评分制度而闻名。 英语四级考试的分数范围从0到710,及格分数为425分。 英语四级考试的分级制度分为六个级别:A、B、C、D、E和F。 得分在510到710之间的学生授予A级别,表示对英语有出的掌握能力。 得分在425到509之间的学生收到B级别,显示对语言有良好的理解。 得分在345到424之间的学生被授予C级别,表明对英语有一定的理解。 得分在275到344之间的学生为D级别,而得分在205到274之间的学生为E级别。 最低级别F是给分数低于205的学生,表明在英语方面表现不佳。 每个级别代表着不同水平的英语熟练程度,从高级到基本。