礼仪及注意事项How to write email
Nowadays, E-mail has become the main communication tool. There’re few people thinking they can’t write E-mail properly or they need to improve their E-mail skills. However, there are still lots of unharmonious communications in our daily work. Here I would like to specify several things we should pay attention to.
1. Pay attention to your communication skills
everyone has the experience when we are required to make improvement by others. At this time, we should not immediately reject or turn down by finding lots of excuse to defend ourselves. Instead, we should first find our own mistakes and let the other know that you have understand and accept his suggestions. Otherwise, it will break the smooth communication and make others feel unhappy. 

2. To be considerate for receiver
it’s necessary to be considerate for the receiver. Imagine what you may feel if you were the r
eceiver. Pay attention to use the most suitable words and tone in your E-mail. This will help improving your relationships and communication skills.

3. Don’t quarrel with others by email, especially in the public mail. 
Nobody can prevent unhappy mood, however, you had better wait for sometime before you send out some email with bad temper emotion until you calm down. 
As email is written evidence, you had better not leave some bad impression on the others. If the quarreling mail is sent to another dept, it will be harmful to team work. The best way of communication is to sit down face to face and talk calmly, Sometimes, email makes our distance far way. Quarreling in public makes one looks very unprofessional. When email sending out, it can never be returned no matter how regret you are.

4. Think before sending out
Sometimes, we think we’ve checked the mail many times before sending. However unfortunately, after the mail is sent, we still can find spelling mistakes or sending wrong rec
eiver. The most disastrous thing is sending a confidential mail to wrong people. 

5. Be careful in using CC/Forward/Reply to all
Don’t CC email to unrelated people in case that something should not be known by the others which will lead to receiver in a passive condition. When writing to your boss, please give the first priority to your boss, let him decide if to forward or not. Of course you should use your experience to make correct judgment.
In addition, be careful when forward a confidential mail. You might be fired if you break the confidential agreement by sending mail wrongly. Or at least, you’ll lose your boss’s confidence in you if you cannot keep secret.

6. Don’t send to all discretionarily. 
The company should have limit to the authority to sending to all. When an E-mail of bad emotional is sending out to all employees, it will bring negative impact to the culture. Everyone should pay attention not to convey your negative feeling to others.

7. Clear Subject
Clear subject can let receiver understand the content directly and find the mail easily later. This is a polite and professional way to make a clear and short subject. Useless or complicated subjects are not welcome.

8. Increase efficiency by email
effectively use email can increase the work efficiency. In most companies, email has become the most important channel of communication. We should try to send and receive email in time

9. Use email as evidence
Email is a very important record as evidence. So it is very good way to protect our company especially in international business. 

10. Be polite. 
Using polite words in email will make the receiver pleased and can show your good quality and personality. Even if you hold different views with your client in business, it’s necessary to be polite to argue with him. Never use rude words.

11. Reply punctually
It’s easy to understand the sender always expects a promptly reply from the receiver. Some Chinese people have the habit of not replying email. They think it’s unnecessary if they are noted the issue. But no feedback is really an impolite behavior.
12. Be clear and concise
Please get to point quickly and clearly. To make the others clearly understand and get our meaning is professional way, otherwise, we are wasting the time and cause low efficiency and bad communication.



1. 注意你的沟通技巧

2. 尊重受众体

3. 慎用CC/邮转发/全员回复
不要随便将邮件CC 给无关人员。另外也要考虑到收件人是否不想这些事让另一个人知道,使其被动。特别是给上司写邮件,不要随便将邮件CC给另一个人,请将优先权留给你的上司。如果是发给一个人的内容,不要CC给很多人,就算不是保密,也增加了其它的人垃圾邮件,浪费别人的时间是可耻的。
4. 切记不要在上骂人

5. 发出前请仔细考虑/检查

6 .不要随意使用发邮件

7 .主题明确简练

8 .有效地使用

9 .是法律证据



12. 简洁

How to write effective email
Level Primary
Many people use email in business communication. It is fast and cheap. Email messages a
re different from business letters. You need an informative subject line. Messages should be short. Put only one main idea in each message. In replies, include the original message below your message. This will remind the other person of the main topic. Don't put confidential information in your email. Someone else might read your message. Reply promptly, within 24 hours. Be sure to check your spelling and grammar before sending a message.
Level Middle
Most people use email for both internal and external communication in business. Email messages are different from business letters. Effective email messages have a concise, informative subject line. Many recipients use the subject line to help them decide whether or not to read a message right away. Messages should be short, focusing on one main idea per message. Make sure you provide enough contexts so that the recipient can understand your message. If you are replying to an email, include the original message below your reply. Email messages should be conversational but professional. Do not include confidenti
al information because emails are easy to forward to other people. Reply promptly; people usually expect a reply within 24 hours or sooner. Finally, check your message for mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation before sending it.
Level Senior
Email has become by far the most popular means of both internal and external communication in business. It's faster than writing and sending a business letter, and it's cheaper than a phone call.
There are some similarities and differences between email messages and business letters. In both, the writing should be clear and concise. The spelling, grammar, and punctuation should be good enough so that the writing is understandable and professional.
However, there are some key differences between emails and business letters. Keep in mind the following tips when writing email messages:
Write an informative subject line.
People may receive a hundred or more email messages every day. The subject line may be the most important factor in determining whether your email gets read right away or not.