1. Part I
  Section A
  1) Conversation 1
      A: Hi, have you finished the report for the marketing meeting tomorrow?
      B: Not yet. I'm still stuck on the data analysis part.
      A: Do you want me to help you with that?
      B: That would be great. Thanks.
  2) Conversation 2
      A: I heard you're going to study abroad next semester. Is that true?
      B: Yes, I've been accepted into a program in Australia.
      A: That's amazing. How do you feel about it?
      B: Excited and nervous at the same time. It's a big step for me.
2. Section B
  1) Passage 1
      Man: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?
      Woman: Sure. Walk str本人ght down this road and you'll see it on your left.
      Man: Thank you.
  2) Passage 2
      Woman: Can you believe that the new subway line is finally open?
      Man: I know, it's going to makemuting so much easier.
      Woman: Definitely. I can't w本人t to try it out.
3. Part II
  Section A
  1) Conversation 1
      A: I'm thinking of going on a road trip this summer. Any rmendations?
      B: You should definitely check out the national parks out west. They're stunning.
      A: That sounds fantastic. I'll look into it.
  2) Conversation 2
      A: I'm struggling to find a good balance between work and personal life.
      B: It's tough, but have you tried setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care?
      A: I haven't, but I will give it a shot.
4. Section B
  1) Passage 1
      Man: Attention passengers, we are currently experiencing a delay due to signal problems.
      Woman: Ugh, not ag本人n. I'll never understand public transportation.
  2) Passage 2
      Woman: Don't forget to bring reusable bags when you go grocery shopping.
      Man: Right. It's important to reduce our plastic waste.
5. Part III四级 听力
  Section A
  1) Conversation 1
      A: I think I left my phone at the restaurant this afternoon.
      B: You should call them and see if anyone turned it in.
      A: Good idea. I'll do that right away.
  2) Conversation 2
      A: I'm looking for a new laptop. Any rmendations?
      B: I recently got a model that I'm really satisfied with. Let me show you.
6. Section B
  1) Passage 1
      Man: The deadline for the scholarship application ising up. Have you submitted yours?
      Woman: Not yet. I'm still writing my personal statement.
  2) Passage 2
      Woman: I've been feeling really stressed lately.
      Man: Have you considered trying meditation? It can be very calming.