专题十二 介词
考点1 时间介词
1.(2022重庆B)Father's Day comes_________ June every year.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. to
2.(2022 湖南怀化)Mingming will have a class meeting_________ 3:30 this afternoon.
A. on
B. in
C. at
3.(2022江苏宿迁) _________ spring, the days are often windy and bright. It's a perfect time to fly a kite.
A. On
父亲节几月几号2022年B. In
C. At
D. With
4.(2022四川乐山)Shenzhou XIII came back to Earth safely_________ April 16th,2022.
A. at
B. on
C. in
5.(2022福建) _________ May 2022,we held many events to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Communist Youth League of China.
A. At
B. In
C. On
6.(2022湖北恩施州)Maria went skating with her friends in the park_________ a sunny morning.
A. at
B. in
C. on
7.(2022 北京)We have history class_________ three o'clock every Friday afternoon.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. to
8.(2020上海)The ancient town has been open to visitors_________ about ten years.
A. by
B. for
C. on
D. through
9.(2020 湖南株洲)The opening of our new school will be_________ the morning of Friday, July 24th at 10:00.
A. at
B. in
C. on
10.(2020 湖南郴州)I will be in senior high school_________ a month. I can't believe the time went by so fast.
A. at
B. in
C. on
11.(2020黑龙江绥化)-What time is it?
-It's half_________ seven.
A. past
B. to
C. at
12.(2020黑龙江大庆)We have a geography lesson_________ three o'clock_________ Thursday afternoon.
A. at; in
B. in; in
C. on; on
D. at; on
1.A 句意:父亲节在每年的六月.根据June可知,此处是月份,用介词in.
2.C 句意:今天下午三点半明明要开班会.3:30是具体的时刻,at后接具体时刻.
3.B 句意:在春天,白天经常刮风,阳光明媚.这是放风筝的最佳时机.根据spring可知,季节前用介词in.
4.B 句意:2022年4月16日,神舟十三号安全返回地球.April 16th,2022是具体的一天,应选介词on.
5.B 句意:2022年5月,我们举办了许多活动来庆祝中国共青团成立100周年.根据May 2022可知月份前用介词in.
6.C 句意:玛丽亚在一个阳光明媚的上午跟她的朋友们在公园里滑冰了.根据a sunny morning 可知,这是具体的某一天,on后接具体的某一天.
7.A 句意:我们每周五下午三点上历史课.根据three o'clock可知是三点钟,at后加具体时刻.
8.B 句意:那个古镇已经对游客开放了大约十年时间.根据has been open 可知是现在完成时且about ten years是个时间段,需用for.
9.C 句意:我们新学校的开幕式在7月24日,周五上午十点.根据the morning of Friday, July 24th at 10:00可知是具体某一天的上午,因此用on.
10.B 句意:我将在一个月后进入高中.真不敢相信时间过得这么快.根据will be 可知是一般将来时,表示一般将来时的时间状语,需用in.
11.A 句意:-几点了?-七点半.根据seven可知是考查具体时刻的表达,half past+基数词表示“几点半”.
12.D 句意:我们周四下午三点有一节地理课.three o'clock是时刻,时刻前用at; Thursday afternoon是周四下午,一周的每一天及一周每天的上午、下午和晚上前都用on.
考点2 地点、方位、方式介词
13.(2022云南)-How do you relax in your free time?
-_________ doing sports and listening to music.
A. At
B. On
C. In
D. By
14.(2022河北)Look! The fish is swimming fast_________ the river.
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. by
15.(2022 辽宁盘锦)Vincent sometimes sits_________ the river and listens to music.
A. on
B. by
C. over
D. under
16.(2022黑龙江绥化)-A model plane is_________ the tree. Let's get it down.
-Look! The apples_________ the tree are really red.
A. in; in
B. on; in
C. in; on
17.(2021 天津)Anna is taller than me. She sits_________ me in the classroom.
A. between
B. from
C. behind
D. among
18.(2021 江苏盐城)China successfully landed a spacecraft_________ Mars in May,2021.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. for
19.(2021 青海)Look! The sun is shining directly into the car. You'd better park it_________ the tree.
A. under
B. in front of
C. behind
20.(2021 湖北十堰)-Where's the People's Park?
-Go along Gongyuan Road, turn right at the second crossing and it's_________ your left.
A. on
B. to
C. at
D. in
21.(2021广西桂林)There is a new TV_________ the wall.
A. at
B. of
C. on
22.(2021 贵州铜仁)-Taiwan lies_________ the southeast of China, and it is_________ the east of Fujian.
-OK,I want to visit it some day.
A. in; to
B. on; to
C. to; in
D. to; on
23.(2021广西柳州)They go to school_________ bike.
A. by
B. with
C. on
24.(2022四川成都)My mother often tells me it's impolite to hit an empty bowl_________ chopsticks.
A. in
B. on
C. with
13.D 句意:-你在空闲时间是怎么放松的?-通过做运动和听音乐.根据 How do you relax in your free time可知,此处应回答通过什么方式放松,用介词by.
14.B 句意:看!那条鱼在河里游得很快.鱼在河里游泳,用介词in,表示“在······里”.
15.B 句意:文森特有时候坐在河边听音乐.坐在河边sit by the river.
16.C 句意:-一架模型飞机在树上.我们把它弄下来吧.-看!树上的苹果真红.外界的东西在树上用in the tree,树叶和树上的果实在树上用on the tree.
17.C 句意:安娜比我高.在教室里她坐在我后面.根据taller than me可知是坐在“我”后面,behind在·····后面.
18.B 句意:2021年5月,中国成功在火星上降落了航天器.根据Mars可知只能是在火星上,用介词on.
19.A 句意:看!阳光直射进汽车里面.你最好把车停到树下面.under在······下面.
20.A 句意:-人民公园在哪儿?-沿着公园路直走,在第二个十字路口右转,它就在你的左手边.在左边或右边用介词on.
21.C 句意:墙上有一台新电视.电视是挂在墙上,用on.
22.A 句意:-台湾位于中国的东南部,它位于福建的东部.-好的,我想有一天去参观.在范围内被包含用in,接壤的两个不同地方用on,不接壤的两个地方用to.台湾属于中国用in,但台湾不属于福建又跟福建不接壤用to.
23.A 句意:他们骑自行车去上学.by bike骑自行车.
24.C 句意:我妈妈经常告诉我用筷子敲空碗是不礼貌的.根据hit an hopsticks 可知,是用筷子敲碗,使用某种有形的工具用介词with.
考点3 其他介词
25.(2022 湖北武汉)You can only achieve success_________ hard work.