English: Animals hibernate as a survival strategy to conserve energy and endure harsh conditions during the winter months. During hibernation, an animal's metabolic rate slows down significantly, allowing it to survive with minimal food intake. Many animals, such as bears, groundhogs, and bats, enter a state of hibernation to avoid freezing temperatures and scarce food sources. Their heart rate drops, their body temperature decreases, and their breathing becomes shallow as they enter a deep sleep-like state. This dormant period can last for weeks or even months, depending on the species and environmental conditions. Hibernating animals typically find a secure and sheltered location to spend the winter, such as a burrow, cave, or hollow tree. When spring arrives and temperatures rise, these animals slowly awaken from hibernation, relying on their stored fat reserves to regain energy and resume normal activities.
中文翻译: 动物冬眠是一种为了保存能量、在寒冷的冬季条件下生存而采取的一种生存策略。在冬眠期间,动物的新陈代谢率显著降低,使其在食物摄入极少的情况下生存下来。许多动物,冬眠动物