1.        表示活动  2.经常用形式主语it
两个固定句型 It is no use / good doing sth    做某事没用处/ 没好处
            Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
1.        有些动词或一些句型结构中习惯跟 doing 做宾语。
Consider suggest look forward to excuse  pardon admit delay put off fancy deny finish enjoy  appreciate forbid imagine risk can’t help mind allow escape
Be used to lead to  devote to  go back to  stick to  object to  get down to
Pay attention to  can’t stand  give up  feel like  insist on   
thank you for      apologize for    be busy (in )    have difficult / trouble(in) doing    have a good / hard / wonderful time (in) doing 
spend time/money (in) doing
what about /  
2.        doing 做宾语主动形式表被动的情况。
need / require /  want  doing
The house needs / requires / wants repairing.
be (well) worth  doing
The book is worth reading.
3.        有些动词后接doing to do 意思不同:
regret to do  遗憾地、抱歉地做      remember to do  记着要去做某事
regret doing  后悔做过               remember doing  记得做过某事
forget to do  忘记要去做      can’t help (to) do sth 不能帮着做某事
forget doing    忘记做过某事      can’t help doing sth  抑制不住做某事
learn to do sth  学会了做某事    stop to do sth    停下来去做某事
learn doing sth    学习做某事      stop doing sth    停止正在做的事
go on to do sth  继续去做另外的事    try to do sth   努力,尽力做某事
go on doing sth    继续做某事        try doing sth  尝试做某事
mean to do sth  打算;故意做某事 
mean doing sth    意味着做某事
修饰限定一个名词或代词。与名词构成主谓关系、主谓且正在进行;或者说明名词的功能或作用。 单个的 doing 往往放在被修饰的名词之前,doing 短语往往放在被修饰的名词之后。
1  主语相同,省略主语;主语不同,主语不省略。
2  谓语中有助动词 do 的直接省略,并把动词直接变为doing
3  谓语动词有be 助动词的直接省略即可,不必有其它变化。
Because  Liming was ill ,Liming didn’t go to work.
Being ill, Liming didn’t go to work.
Because  Liming’s mother  was ill ,Liming didn’t go to work.
Liming’s mother  being ill , Liming didn’t go to work
If weather permits , we will go for a picnic this weekend.
Weather permitting , we will go for a picnic this weekend.
When Tom was asked about his secret of his success, Tom owed his success to his wife
and his children
When asked about his secret of his success, Tom owed his success to his wife
and his children.
When Mother was watching TV, I was doing my homework.
Mother watching TV, I was doing my homework.
After I had finished my homework , I went home .
Having finished my homework , I went home.
区分 doing    to do 做补语的不同
feel    listen to      hear      have      see  watch    look at      notice    observe  ...+ sb doing sth  表示感到 / 听到 / / 看到某人正在做某事
 feel    listen to      hear    let  make  have      see  watch    look at      notice    observe  ...+ sb do sth  表示感到 / 听到 / / 看到某人做了某事
有一些表示人的情感的词,后接ing 意思与后接 ed 不同。
使惊讶 surprise   surprised  surprising
使害怕 scare      scared    scaring
       frighten    frightened  frightening
使激动 excite      excited    exciting
使感动 move        moved      moving
使满意 satisfy    satisfied   satisfying / satisfactory
使担心 worry      worried    worrying
      concern    concerned  concerning
      trouble    troubled    troubling
      bother      bothered    bothering
使愉悦  please      pleased      pleasing / pleasant
使高兴  delight      delighted  delighting
使相信  convince    convinced  convincing
表示被动;被动且完成; 完成    boiled eggs  a retired worker  fallen leaves  workers  trapped in the well
be lost in    be faced with    be stuck / trapped / caught in   be prepared to do   be intended as  ...  be intended to ...  be
be determined to do   be absorbed in be devoted to be convinced of be convinced that
考点2 插入语,与句子主语无关,表示说话人的一种语气。
Generally / strictly / frankly speaking, 一般 / 严格 / 坦白 来说
Judging by / from 根据判断
Taking into consideration考虑在内
believe it or not  信不信由你 
Have sb do sth. 让某人做某事
Have sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事
Have sth done 1,让某物被别人让做不是自己做。
往往用形式主语 it
It is adj of sb. to do sth.
It is adj for sb. to do sth.
考点一。有些动词习惯用 to do 做宾语。
决心学会想希望  determine / decided  learn  want expect / hope / wish
拒绝设法愿假装  refuse  manage  care pretend
主动答应选计划  offer  promise choose plan
同意请求帮一帮 agree ask beg help
还有 一些词如: afford  happen  strive  wait  threaten
考点二 与现在分词的区别
doing 经常性的习惯,名词性
To do sth 一次性行为 ,动作性
1  与被修饰词构成主谓关系,动宾关系或者是内容。
2  经常未发生
3  被修饰的词被序数词,形容词最高级修饰。往往用动词不定式修饰。
4  被修饰的词是抽象名词时,往往用动词不定式修饰。
例句:I have a lot of work to do.
      I have many friends to help me 
      His dream to go to  BeiJing Film Academy  has come true. 
1  too +形容词或副词 to  do…太...而不能  He is too busy to go home 
2  adj / adv enough to do sth      He is old enough to look after himself.
3  only to …表示意外结果,only doing 表示自然结果。
He carried a big stone only to drop it on his own foot.
The man died, only leaving lots of debts to his wife and children. 
原因状语  往往有表示情感的形容词做表语。
The professor was very surprised to see us.
I'm glad to meet you.
I'm sorry to hear the news. 
want ask tell get warn expect allow invite ...等词后面均可以接 Sb to do sth.
但是有下面几个词后面的动词不定式需要省略to 但是在变为被动语态时要补充 to
feel    listen to      hear    let  make  have      see  watch    look at      notice    observe  ...+ sb do sth  表示感到 / 听到 / / 看到某人做了某事
 feel    listen to      hear      have      see  watch    look at      notice    observe  ...+ sb doing sth  表示感到 / 听到 / / 看到某人正在做某事
The teacher made me clean the classroom as a punishment.
I was made to clean the classroom as a punishment.
                                                                                                    to do        /    to be done                                                             
sb be    said/ believed / supposed / thought / reported / ...          to be doing  /  to be being done
                                                                                                     to have done  / to have been done
My dream is to be a good teacher.
The way I think of to reduse  overuse of water in students' bathroom is to fix a time machine